- bitmap_nameCharacter
The name of the bitmap to modify.
- XPosNumeric
The horizontal coordinate of the upper left corner of the bitmap.
- YPosNumeric
The vertical coordinate of the upper left corner of the bitmap.
- level_bitmapCharacter
The name of the bitmap to use as the alpha channel. A pixel value of 0 is completely transparent. A pixel value of 255 is completely opaque. Intermediate values represent degrees of transparency.
Draws a bitmap using a different bitmap an alpha-value.
BITMAP_ALPHA() sets the transparency of each of the pixels in a bitmap according to the values of the corresponding pixels in an alpha channel bitmap, then draws the result.
Get the original color image, then extract the color data and the alpha channel data.
png_data = file.to_blob("c:\documents\Xbasic Reference\Images\toucan.png") rgb_data = png_to_bitmap(png_data, "R") trans_data = png_to_bitmap(png_data, "A")
Create two bitmaps from the color data and the alpha channel data.
ui_bitmap_load("rgb", rgb_data) ui_bitmap_load("trans", trans_data)
Calculate the positions of the three images.
pixsize = ui_bitmap_info_get(rgb_data, "w,h") xpix = val( word(pixsize, 1, ",") ) ypix = val( word(pixsize, 2, ",") ) xperin = ui_info(4) yperin = ui_info(5) width = xpix/xperin height = ypix/yperin
Combine the three images.
ui_bitmap_create("combine", width, height) stone_data = file.to_blob("C:\WINDOWS\Greenstone.bmp") ui_bitmap_load("Stone", stone_data) ui_bitmap_draw("combine", <<%code% bitmap("stone", 0, 0) bitmap_alpha("rgb", 0, 0, "trans") %code%)
Display the three images.
ui_dlg_box("image", <<%dlg% {image=rgb} {image=trans} {image=combine} %dlg%)
Used only in the Code sections of UI_BITMAP_DRAW(), UI_SCREEN_DRAW(), and UI_PRINTER_DRAW().
See Also