SET_FONT Function
- fontname
The name of a font, its point size, and its attributes in the format "Font_Name[,Point_Size,Attribute_List]".
- Argument
- Description
- Font_Name
The name of a font, as in Verdana.
- Point_Size
Optional. A number, as in 12.
- Attribute_List
Optional. Default = no attributes. May be any of the following:
- "b" = bold
- "i" = italic
- "u" = underline
- or any combination of the three attributes, as in biu.
- fore_color
Optional. Default = "black". The fill color of the text character. A named Alpha Anywhere color or the RGB color code in the format "#R,G,B", where R, G, and B are integers with values between 0 and 255.
- back_color
Optional. Default = "white". The background color of the text character. A named Alpha Anywhere color or the RGB color code in the format "#R,G,B", where R, G, and B are integers with values between 0 and 255.
Set font for drawing text.
The SET_FONT() function sets the current Font, foreground color ( Fore_Color ), and background color ( Back_Color ) for text.
<<%code% ... set_font("Verdana,12,b", "Yellow", "blue") text("North", 2.75, 2.45) ... %code%)
Used only in the Code sections of UI_BITMAP_DRAW(), UI_SCREEN_DRAW(), and UI_PRINTER_DRAW().
See Also