- bitmap_data
The name of a blob variable containing bitmap data.
- format
Character Parameter; "w" = width in pixels, "h" = height in pixels, "b" = bits per pixel, "t" = image type
Returns information about a bitmap formats: w=width h=height b=bits-per-pixel.
The UI_BITMAP_INFO_GET() function returns information about a bitmap blob variable.
put description here
dim b1 as B ui_bitmap_create_from_screen("test", 0, 0, 4, 1) b1 = ui_bitmap_save("test") ? ui_bitmap_info_get(b1,"w") = "384"
These examples show how to use the "b" flag to get color depth 'Read the image into a blob and then convert from jpg to bmp
pic = "c:\images\8bit.jpg" b1 = jpeg_to_bitmap(file.to_blob(pic)) ?ui_bitmap_info_get(b1,"b") = "8"
dim b1 as B dim pic as c pic = "c:\images\8bit.jpg" 'image is an 8 bit grayscale photo b1 = ui_bitmap_save(pic)
Notice that once the blob is loaded into an in-memory bitmap (using the ui_bitmap_save()) function'it always has a color depth of 24. This is because the ui_bitmap_save() function uses the screen device context'and it translates the image to the display's supported color depth.
?ui_bitmap_info_get(b1,"b") = "24"
Image Type
ui_bitmap_info_get() can return the image type of image binary data. For exmample with the syntax:
c type = ui_bitmap_info_get(b blobImageData,"T")
dim b as b b = file.to_blob("c:\images\image1.jpg") ? ui_bitmap_info_get(b,"T") = "JPG"
See Also