- shape
The name of a new or existing shape.
- x
The horizontal coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle. Larger values move right.
- y
The vertical coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle. Larger values move down.
- width
The width of the rectangle.
- height
The height of the rectangle.
- shape_operation
Optional. Default = erase previous shape. An indication of how to combine the shape with other shapes.
- "and" = show only the intersection of the rectangle and any other shapes.
- "or" = show both the union of the rectangle and any other shapes.
- "xor" = show both the rectangle and any other shapes, but do not show their intersection.
The UI_SHAPE_RECT() function draws a rectangle into the shape buffer. You can then use the shape buffer:
- to define a new object to write to the bitmap, or
- with the CLIP_SHAPE()to limit the portion of the bitmap that can be written on.
This example uses a rectangular shape to limit the drawing region.
ui_bitmap_load("stone", file.to_blob("C:\WINDOWS\Greenstone.bmp")) ui_bitmap_create("test", 4, 2) ui_shape_rect("rect", 0, 0, 2, 1) ui_bitmap_draw("test", <<%code% inner_rect(0, 0, 4, 2) clip_shape("rect", 1, .5) bitmap("stone", 0, 0, 4, 2) %code%) ui_dlg_box("", "{image=test}")
This example creates a rectangular shape and draws it onto the bitmap. The border color is set by the current pen. There is no fill.
ui_bitmap_load("stone", file.to_blob("C:\WINDOWS\Greenstone.bmp")) ui_bitmap_create("test", 4, 2) ui_shape_rect("rect", 0, 0, 2, 1) ui_bitmap_draw("test", <<%code% inner_rect(0, 0, 4, 2) clip_shape("rect", 1, .5) bitmap("stone", 0, 0, 4, 2) %code%) ui_dlg_box("", "{image=test}")
This example creates a rectangular shape and draws it onto the bitmap. The border color is set by the current pen. There is no fill.
ui_bitmap_create("test", 4, 2) ui_shape_rect("rect", 0, 0, 2, 1) ui_bitmap_draw("test", <<%code% inner_rect(0, 0, 4, 2) set_pen("black") set_brush("green") shape("rect", 1, .5) %code%) ui_dlg_box("", "{image=test}")
This function is only used in the Code sections of UI_BITMAP_DRAW(), UI_SCREEN_DRAW(), and UI_PRINTER_DRAW().
See Also