
CSS Functions


Functions for working with and manipulating CSS

a5_css_combine Function

Combines two CSS definition strings.

a5_css_def_editor Function

CSS style builder. (selectors = class name, css = css code string, image_list = optional list of images for the user to pick from, relative_img_dir = optional location which the style builder should assume it is at, return_cancel = optional return text "<CANCEL>" when user cancels)

a5_css_edit_multi Function

Edit multiple css definitions from a css array object.

a5_css_editor2 Function

Edit css.

a5_css_embeddedstylesheeteditor Function

Brings up the CSS style sheet editor for editing embedded CSS style sheets.

a5_css_extract Function

Extract CSS properties.

a5_css_import Function

Takes two css objects (parsed with css_to_css_array()), and returns a css object (null object if cancel is selected).

a5_css_merge Function

Merge css styles (css2 will overwrite duplicate styles in css1)

a5_stylebuilder_editclipboardcss Function

Edit CSS in clipboard.

css_editor Function

CSS style builder. (selectors = class name, css = css code string, image_list = optional list of images for the user to pick from, relative_img_dir = optional location which the style builder should assume it is at, return_cancel = optional return text "<CANCEL>" when user cancels)