Field Functions
Functions for working with fields in a table.
- Name
- Description
- *environment_definition_fields Function
Extract the fields from a table in a definition.
Adds fields to a table. New_fields is a crlf list of fields to be added in format: fieldname,type,size,decimals
Changes the fields sizes (width and decimal places) of fields in a table. Takes a crlf delimited list of fields. Format for original_sizes and new_sizes is 'fieldname,type,width,decimal_places'
- a5_control_insert_ole Function
Used by right click and drop down menu to insert an OLE object into a field.
- a5_csweb_getfields Function
Gets the fields in a table or SELECT - using AlphaDAO.
Removes fields from a table. Field_list is a crlf list of fields to be removed.
Launches the Field Rules Editor
- a5_field_copy Function
Used in the Edit/Copy menu in form/browse so that Edit, Copy is enabled even if field is locked for editing.
- A5_field_getKeyColumns Function
Return the name of the 'primary key' columns of a .dbf table. .dbf tables do not use primary keys. However, you can infer the 'primary key' if the table has an auto-increment column, or a 'unique value' field rules.
- A5_FIELD_INFO Function
Returns info about a field in a table.
Used in the field rules editor to edit case conversion exceptions
Used in the field rules editor
- a5_field_select Function
Used internally in Layout editor to bind a field to an object when placing new objects on a Layout.
- a5_field_type_get Function
Returns the datatype of a field on a form, assumes pForm is a valid ptr
- A5_FIELDSIZES Function
Returns the length and decimals for all field types other than Character and Numeric
- a5_get_field_info Function
Returns an array "Fields", with fieldname, and fieldtype information
- a5_get_fieldinfo_delayed Function
Returns field info from the a_tableinfo[] array which is used in the Expression Builder and Filter Builder
Gets a list of fields in a table or set.
- a5_get_fieldrule_editors Function
Get names of tables for which field rules are currently being edited
- a5_get_fields_in_table_set Function
Returns a list of fields in a table or set. Child table fields are qualified with an alias. Field types are shown as well.
- a5_get_reccount_delayed Function
Returns field info from the a_tableinfo[] array which is used in the Expression Builder and Filter Builder
- a5_getfields_ado Function
Uses ADO to get field information about a table or SQL select statement
- a5_insert_text_into_field Function
Used in Edit/Insert command on the Form and Browse menus.
- a5_merge_fields Function
Merges fields from tables into a text file with placeholders for fieldnames.
Recalculates calc fields
- a5_select_field_value Function
Displays a dialog or dropdown showing field values from a field in a table
- a5_select_field_value2 Function
Wrapper around the a5_select_field_value() function, but returns a "C" rather than a "P" value.
- a5_select_fieldname Function
Used in expression builder to prompt for a field name.
- a5_select_fields_multi Function
Returns a crlf delimited list of fields selected from a table or a set
- a5_select_key_value Function
Displays a dialog or dropdown showing field values from a field in a table
- a5_selectmultifields Function
Select a crlf delimited list of fields from a crlf delimited list of tablenames
Generates a sort expression from an input array of sort keys
- ALLTEXT Function
Returns the text for the entire record for the specified table.
Returns a character string of all of the field values in the current record
Computes statistics for the field bound to the fully_qualified_object_name.
- FIELD Function
Returns the name of a numerically specified field in the given table.
- INLIST Function
Returns TRUE if first expr matches any remaining exp's in the parameter list.
- ISBLANK Function
Returns TRUE if the field is blank.
- PREVIOUS Function
Returns a value from a field in the previous record.
- property_from_string_multi Function
Apply previously dumped contents back into sub fields (specified in a list).
- RECSIZE Function
Returns the number of characters reserved for each record.
Returns the name of the current field