- result
A filter expression for the set.
Function passes data through, it is included to modify the behavior of query of child fields.
With the FLATTENQUERY() function you can filter the list of records using fields from the one-many child tables. FLATTENQUERY()bhas the effect of flattening the set, and making it appear as a single table. In is generally used in the context of a Browse layout. In a form or a browse, Alpha Anywhere does not allow you to include fields from a one-to-many child table when you create a query (exception - see the Crosslevel() function). (This restriction does not apply to report, letters and labels). However, if you use the FLATTENQUERY() function, you can include one-to-many child fields in your query. The FLATTENQUERY() function, has the effect of "flattening the set", and making it appear as a single table. In is generally used in the context of queries in a Browse layout.
See Also