EOF Function
End_Of_File_Flag as L = EOF([C tablename])
- End_Of_File_Flag
.T. (TRUE) if the record pointer is at the end of the file for the specified table; otherwise, .F. (FALSE).
- tablename
Optional. Default = the table associated with the current layout. The name of a table.
Returns TRUE if the record pointer is at the end of the file.
You may use the EOF() function in a layout. The function returns .T. (TRUE) if the record pointer is at the end of the file for the specified table; otherwise, it returns .F. (FALSE). Note : The <TBL>.FETCH_EOF()method is the easiest way to test for the end of a file.
dim tbl as P dim i as N dim cnt as N tbl = table.open("Product") cnt = tbl.records_get() tbl.fetch_first() i = 1 statusbar.Percent(i, cnt) while .not. eof("Product") tbl.fetch_next() i = i + 1 statusbar.percent(i,cnt) wend tbl.close()
See Also