Table Functions
Alpha Anywhere provides the following table functions.
- Name
- Description
- *environment_definition_tables Function
Extract the tables from a definition.
- *page Function
Used with table.external_record_content_get() to limit the rows of data returned.
- a5_Active_Link_CreateReadOnly Function
Create a simple, read-only active-link table.
- a5_active_link_refreshdefinition Function
Refresh the definition of an active-link table.
- a5_activelink_convert Function
Convert an active-link table to a native or passive-link table
- a5_activelink_createdefaulttable Function
Create a default active-link table for a remote table. If you are calling this in a loop you can pass in an open connection.
- a5_audit_trail_deleterecord Function
Call this function from a table's CanDeleteRecord event. UserNameMode = 1 - user the user name in the A5 Security System is inserted into the audit-trail. UserNameMode = 2 - Windows logon user name.
- a5_batchactivelinkcreate Function
Creates default active-link tables for a crlf delimited list of tables.
- a5_batchactivelinkdefine Function
Brings up a dialog to create multiple Active-Link tables at once.
- a5_batchpassivelinkdefine Function
Brings up a dialog to create multiple Passive-Link tables at once.
- a5_check_tbls_sets_exist Function
Checks to see if a CRLF delimited list of tables, or tables in a set, physically exist.
- a5_convert_activelink_to_named_connections Function
Converts connection strings in active-link table definitions from explicit connections to named connections. If flagUnConvert = .t., then converts named connections to explicit connections.
- a5_copy_table Function
Copies a table w/ or w/out data and layouts. Used in Create Table from Template Genie
- a5_copy_tablefiles Function
Copy a table and all of its support files to another name or folder.
- a5_create_table_textmode Function
Create a table definition by typing in free form table structure.
- a5_createactivelinktabledialog Function
Displays the dialog for creating Active Link tables.
- a5_createmapdefn Function
Creates a Table Map Definition from a CRLF delimited list of fields.
- a5_createpassivelinktabledialog Function
Brings up a dialog to allow the user to create passive-link tables.
- a5_csweb_gettables Function
Retrieve a list of tables from a Client-Server source. pConn requires pConn.ConnectionString to be a valid Connection String
- a5_cvt_to_alias_physical Function
Converts a CRLF delimited list of table names into format: alias|physical_filename. For internal use.
- a5_display_tableset_info Function
Displays information about the table or set.
Displays the Duplicate Table dialog box.
Launches the Table Restructure Editor
- a5_find_mismatchedfields Function
Finds mismatched fields in a table
- A5_FixDBFFieldNames Function
Fixes fieldnames in a .dbf table. Field names can be invalid in externally created .dbf files.
- A5_ForceCloseTables Function
Forces tables in orphan sessions to close
- a5_generate_Xbasic_importtotablefromfile Function
Generate Xbasic to import data to a temporary file so that it can then be appened to a .dbf table.
- a5_genericTableCRUDAction Function
Updates, Reads, Inserts or Deletes data from a table (either SQL or dbf)
- A5_Get_Filter Function
Prompts the user for a filter
- a5_get_passive_link_tables Function
Get a list of passive link tables in the current database.
- a5_get_table_ptr Function
Returns a pointer to the table for the field that has focus. If not field has focus, returns pointer to form's primary table
- a5_has_serversidequery Function
Returns .t. if any incremental filters have been applied to an active-link table
- a5_import_into_table Function
Imports a fixed length ascii file into an existing table. Ascii file must match the structure of the table. If ascii file has fieldnames, set skip_lines to 1
- a5_insert_table_field Function
Insert a table fieldname into the code editor
- a5_is_activelinktable Function
Returns .t. if a table is a Active-link table.
- a5_is_crosslevel Function
Returns .t. if a filter expression contains fields from a one-many child table.
- a5_is_mappedtable Function
Returns .t. if a table is a mapped table table (i.e. a 'view').
- a5_is_passivelinktable Function
Returns .t. if a table is a Passive-link table.
- a5_list_tables Function
Gets list of objects in a SQL database. See also a5_list_tables_with_types()
- a5_load_speed_glossary Function
Loads the speed glossary from disk into memory. If no value is specified for dbfname then the global, system glossary is loaded. If dbfname is specified, then the glossary is loaded from the specified table. If dbfname is '<clear>' the speed glossary is cleared from memory.
- a5_nativetablename Function
Generates the fully qualified native table name for a given portable sql table name
- a5_new_table Function
Create a new Table
- a5_new_table_set_genie Function
New Table/Set/Database Genie. Checks if templates are installed. If not downloads them.
The A5_PACK_DICTIONARY() function packs the data dictionary for a table, rebuilds the .DDX file if it is missing, and updates indexes in the .DDX file.
- A5_PACK_TABLE Function
Packs a table, permanently removing any deleted files.
- a5_passivelinktabledatasource Function
Get the DataSource definition for a Passive Link Table
- a5_prompt_for_tablename Function
Prompt for a table name. Filter can be blank (all table tables), or a comma delimited list: Native,Passive,Active
- a5_prompt_local_tablename Function
Prompts for the name of a new table.
- a5_qb_sp_report_metadata_passivelink Function
Returns metadata if a table is a QuickBooks SP Report Passive-Link table.
- a5_qrb_createpassivelink_sp_report Function
Create a passive-link table with data from a standard QuickBooks report.
- a5_refreshactivelinkdialog Function
Refresh an active-link table definition. If 'tablename' is null, then prompts for list of tables to refresh.
- a5_refreshpassivelinkset Function
Refreshes the data in a set that is built on one or more passive-link tables. Returns .HasError, .ErrorText and .UserCancelled
- a5_ServerSide_FilterOrder_Get Function
Gets information about the server side query
- a5_sizetabletofit Function
Analyzes the size of the data in a table and restructures the table so that each field is the minimum required size.
- a5_table_by_example Function
Displays the Table by Example dialog box.
- a5_table_delete Function
Deletes all of the files for a table: .dbf, .fpt, .cdx, .ddd, .ddm and .ddx
- a5_table_editor_toolbar Function
Returns the system toolbar for Table Editor
- a5_table_menu_enable Function
Determins if certain right click menu items in the control panel for a table should be enabled or disabled
- a5_table_openview Function
Open a table showing a view definition. A view is a crlf delimited list of fieldnames or fieldname=<expression>
- a5_table_removefiles Function
Removes all files associated with a .dbf filename.
- a5_table_rename_low Function
Called from the Control Panel to rename a table.
- a5_table_set_exists Function
Returns .t. if the table or set exists. If table_set_name is null, then A5 uses table or set name in Control Panel that has focus.
- a5_table_set_zip_send Function
Called by the right click in the control panel when Set or Table has focus to Zip/Send.
- a5_table_statistics Function
Displays the Database Information Dialog box
- a5_tablearraypopulate Function
Populates a property array with a list of tables. Properties are .name, .filename, .image, .display
- a5_tableedbyex_tbar Function
Table by example toolbar
- a5_tableisindatabase Function
Returns .t. if the table or set filename is a member of the current database.
- a5_tables_enum Function
Returns a list of table names. If table name is not unique it is fully qualified, otherwise not.
- A5_TableSizeToFit_Dialog Function
Displays the SizeTableToFit dialog box
- A5_WildcardSelect Function
Used to do a wildcard selection in a list or checkbox.
- A5_ZAP_TABLE Function
Deletes all records from a DBF table.
- a5cs_get_tables Function
Gets a list of tables and views in a Alpha DAO connection. Returns .tables, .tableswithtype, .tablewithtypesicons
- a5cs_prompt_surrogatekey Function
Checks to see if a table has a primary key. If not, prompts for a surrogate primary key.
- a5cs_promptfortable Function
Prompts for the name of a table from a remote database. PromptList and InitialCheck are comma delimited strings that can contain: Views,Linked Tables,System Tables,Synonyms,Aliases
- a5cs_promptfortablemulti Function
Displays a dialog box allowing you to select multiple tables from a remote database.
Checks the integrity of index tags for a specified table.
Create a new table using a CR-LF delimited list of field names
- DBF Function
DBF() returns the name of the current table. Specify an optional Table_Name to test a table other than the current one.
- EOF Function
Returns TRUE if the record pointer is at the end of the file.
- gettabledata Function
Extracts data from a native Alpha Anywhere table (.dbf file)
- RECCOUNT Function
Returns the number of records in the current table.
- recDeleted Function
Returns the number of deleted records in the current table.
- RECNO Function
Returns the record number of the current record.
- SearchTables Function
Allows you to search for a value in all tables.
Removes path from a table filename if table is in database. In case of set returns stripped names of all tables in the set.
- TABLE and DB Functions Contrasted
Returns the name of the current table.
- TABLE Function
Returns the name of the current table.
- Table Menu Functions
An overview of Alpha Anywhere's table menu functions.
Opens the Table Chooser dialog.
Returns .t. if a table is empty. You can pass in the name of a table, or a pointer to an open table.
Remove an DBF table and all it's associated files.
The TABLE_RESTRUCTURE() function takes a CR-LF delimited list of field specifications in the format [=],,, and restructures a table.
- TABLEAVG Function
Returns the average value for a field in records of a specified table.
Returns the number of matching records in a specified table.
- TableFinder Function
Select a table by search for all tables that contain a specified fieldname. Wildcard searches are supported.
- TABLEMAX Function
Returns the maximum value of matching records in a specified table.
- TABLEMIN Function
Returns the minimum value of matching records in a specified table.
- TABLESUM Function
Returns the sum of fields of matching records in a specified table.
See Also