Image Functions
Functions for working with and manipulating images.
- Name
- Description
- a5_button_appearance Function
Prompts for the description and bitmap when a new button is created.
- a5_convertimage Function
Converts binary image type.
- a5_create_thumbnail Function
Creates a thumbnail image.
- a5_define_bitmap Function
Prompts for a bitmap definition for a button
- a5_exif_getrawdata Function
Extracts all exif information from an image file using ImageMagick's identify.exe. Identify describes the format and characteristics of one or more image files. See for command details
- a5_exif_run_identify Function
Extracts information from an image file using ImageMagick's identify.exe. Identify describes the format and characteristics of one or more image files. Can be used to extract exif data. See for command details
- a5_getexifinfo Function
Extracts EXIF info from an image file. Returns a .dot variable with these properties: .error (.t. or .f.), .errorText, .hasExifInfo, .latitude, .longitude, .date_time, .json (raw EXIF info in JSON format)
- a5_getimagesize Function
Gets the size of an image
- a5_image_edit_menu Function
Generates a dynamic menu snippet depending on the class of the current object
- A5_imageURL_from_blob Function
Takes a blob (image data) and creates a URL for the image. A use case for this function would be if you had a table that contained a binary field with some image data in it. You would like to display this image in some html.
- a5_runimagemagiccommand Function
Transforms an image using ImageMagick. Command is an ImageMagick transform command e.g. -resize 800x300
- a5_scale_imageblob Function
Scales an image blob. Input and output supported image types: .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp. Scale is a decimal number. e.g. .5 = 50% of original size, 1.5 is 150% of original size. If scale is set to 0 you can specify maxSize - the dimension in inches or pixels of the height, width, or maximum dimension of the image. Units is 'inches' or 'pixels'. AppliesTo is 'Max', 'Width' or 'Height'.
- a5_scale_imagefile Function
Scales an image file.
- a5_scaleImageFileUsingImageMagic Function
Scales an image file using ImageMagick. The scaleCommand is created using this function: a5wcb_scaleImagePrompt("")
- a5wcb_scaleImagePrompt Function
Opens the "Scale Image" dialog to generate a scaling command to be used with the a5_scaleImageFileUsingImageMagic() function.
- a5_webprojectimages Function
Get a list of images in the current web project.
- qrcode_bitmap Function
Generates a qrcode image. Returns either binary PNG data or base64 encoded string with 'data:image/png;base64,' prefix