Object Functions
Functions for working with objects.
- Name
- Description
- *mime_object Function
Returns a mime object, recognized by layouts to set extended types for variable and calculated fields.
- *parent_report_page Function
Return the first page an object & record context is found.
- a5_arggetvalue Function
Get the value of an argument, prompting if necessary. Set mode to "web" if calling from WAS.
- a5_arggetvalues Function
Get values for all the arguments. Set mode to "web" if calling from WAS.
- a5_arggetvalues_ajax Function
Get values for all the arguments. Set mode to "web" if calling from WAS.
- a5_convert_to_concise Function
Converts a list of object names (e.g. forms, reports)to concise form, showing dictionary name only in case of duplicate object names.
- a5_copy_property Function
Copies the appearance properties of an object to the clipboard
- a5_copyselectedprops Function
Copies selected object properties to the clipboard.
- a5_cp2_activeobject Function
Returns the name of the active Object
- a5_createeventsstubs Function
Creates event stubs for the .code.events property of objects
- a5_dataobjectpopulate Function
Used to populate the DataObject in a Web Form
- a5_dictionary_prompt Function
Prompts for the name of an object
- a5_fixlayouteventnames Function
Fixes up event names in code.events when an object is renamed
- a5_hotspot_define Function
Prompts for the setup of a new hotspot object.
- a5_list_objects_w_events Function
List the object for a specfied layout. Object with events are bold. Format of string returned is owner draw listbox.
- a5_list_properties Function
List properties for an object. Property list can be filtered. If show_type = .t., "propertyname|type". If flag_tree, then +1 and +2 symbols are included.
- a5_ole_explorer Function
Displays the OLE Object Browser
- a5_ole_progid_get Function
Get an OLE Create methods progid
- a5_paste_all Function
Pastes the appearance properties of all objects from the clipboard
- a5_pasteselectedprops Function
Pastes selected object properties from the clipboard.
- a5_promptforarguments Function
Takes an argument definition string (created by a5_definearguments()) and prompt for arguments. If arguments (of type sql::arguments) is passed in, then the argument object is populated.
- a5_properties_dialog Function
Called by layout editor to edit either object properties, or layout properties, depending on what has focus.
- a5_selected_property_set Function
Sets the specified property for all currently selected objects on the layout, pForm.
- a5_set_property_multi Function
Sets a property for all of the objects in a crlf delimited list of objects
- a5_strip_object_name Function
Takes a fully qualified dictionary object name and strips out the dictionary if possible (i.e. object name is unique)
- a5_substyle_select Function
Brings up a dialog to select a substyle for an object if there are any
- a5enum Function
Enumerates objects of specified type for a CRLF or comma delimited list of tables and sets
- a5w_cell Function
Returns data value from a DataObject.
- a5w_createupdateobject Function
Creates an UpdateObject showing all objects on a form (or web form) that have changed.
- a5w_field Function
Returns data value from a DataObject.
- a5webform_gen_x Function
Generates the DataObject definition for the specified DataObject number
- card_spawn_object Function
Launch a hardcard and return a pointer to the hardcard object.
CURRENT_OBJECT() returns the full Object_Name (including window) of the object that currently has focus.
- form_objects_get Function
Returns object hierarchy for a form.
- is_dict_required Function
Returns .t. if it is necessary to fully qualify an Object name with its dictionary in order to uniquely identify it. Is .t. if Database contains duplicate object names stored in different dictionaries.
- IS_OBJECT Function
IS_OBJECT() returns .T. if Object_Pointer or Object_Address references a valid object. If you use IS_OBJECT() on a pointer variable without a value, the function will return FALSE (.F.).
- library_binary_get Function
Return library object content as binary data.
- library_object_exists Function
Return True if the library object exists.
- library_text_get Function
Return library object content as text.
- mrec_eof Function
Returns true if object is at end of the group.
- OBJ Function
OBJ() returns an pointer to the object specified by Object_Address.
Expand an object name (in the current database) from <object name> to <object name>@<data dictionary>
Expand an object name (in an external data dictionary) from <object name> to <object name>@<data dictionary>
Normalize an object name.
- ole_external_methods Function
Get external Ole functions based on passed in class.