Microsoft Office Functions
Functions for creating and working with Microsoft Office files.
- Name
- Description
- a5_analyzeExcelFile Function
Gets information about an Excel file.
- a5_createSQLTablesFromExcelFile Function
Creates tables in a database from an Excel file.
- excel_to_json Function
Takes an Excel file and returns a string of JSON data.
- excel_to_resultset Function
Takes an Excel file and returns a SQL::Resultset object.
- excel_to_sqlite Function
Creates a SQLite database file from data in an Excel file.
- word_merge_json Function
Merges JSON data into a Word template document.
- word_merge_python Function
Merges JSON data into a Word template document.
- word_template_from_sample_json Function
Creates a Word template from sample JSON data.
- word_template_from_schema Function
Creates a Word template from a JSON Schema.
Other Functions
In addition to the functions listed here, the following functions and methods ar can be used to manipulate or generate Microsoft Office files (excel, word, etc.)
- Function
- Description
- A5_ExcelConnString
The A5_ExcelConnString() function returns an ADO connection string for a named Excel file.
- a5_json_to_excel
The filename of the Excel file (must have a .xlsx extension.)
- pdf_exportexcel
Converts a PDF file to Excel.
- Reporting::ReportDataGenerate.GenerateExcel
Generate report data to an excel spreadsheet.
- SQL::DatabaseSnapshot toExcel
Create an Excel 2003 workbook with a sheet for each table in the snapshot.
- SQL::ResultSet::toExcel
Convert ResultSet to an Excel 2003 format (.xls) or 2007 format (.xlsx) file.
- Function
- Description
Mailmerge into Microsoft Word. Choice = "new" or "template" for an existing template. Mergedata is a comma delimited txt fie.
- a5_word_merge_dotnet
Merges data into an MS Word Template document. Requires Visual Studio Tools for Office.
- a5_ms_word_mailmerge
Opens the Mail-merge with MS Word dialog box from within a form or browse window. Desktop Applications Only.
See Also