Print and PDF Functions
Functions for working with PDFs and printing in Alpha Anywhere.
- Name
- Description
- a5_create_pdf_from_template Function
Creates a PDF by merging JSON data into a template.
- a5_pdf_combine Function
Displays the user interface to combine multiple PDF files into a single PDF file.
- a5_pdf_encrypt Function
Displays a dialog to encrypt a PDF file.
- a5_pdf_exporttotext Function
Displays a dialog to export a PDF file to a Text file.
- a5_pdf_frombitmap Function
Displays a dialog to create a PDF file from a bitmap.
- a5_pdf_linearize Function
Displays a dialog to linearize PDF file.
- a5_pdf_merge Function
Displays a dialog to merge two PDF files.
The A5_PRINT_CURRENT_RECORD() function displays the Print Current Record dialog box. This function allows you to select a Print Option :
- a5_print_genie Function
Invokes the Print Genie which allows you to select which Layout to print, and what range of records
- a5_printer_setup_options Function
Promps user for printer setup options
- a5_report_save_as Function
Called by the File/Save As.. menu in Print Preview
- c ui_printer_draw Function
Draw to printer page(s) returns status (Cancelled,Completed).
- HTML_to_PDF Function
Converts an HTML file to a PDF file.
- NEW_PAGE Function
The NEW_PAGE() function is inserted in the stream of data sent to a printer. It causes the printer to start a new page.
- PDF_APPEND Function
The PDF_APPEND() function appends File_2 to File_1, producing Result_File. If Result_File is blank, then File2 is appended to File1.
- pdf_append_list Function
Append files in a list in order, creating ResultFile. ResultFile is required and can not be in the FileList.
- PDF_ENCRYPT Function
The PDF_ENCRYPT() function adds password security to a PDF file.. User_password is optional.
- pdf_exportexcel Function
Converts a PDF file to Excel.
- pdf_exporthtml Function
Exports a PDF file as a HTML document. HTMLOption choices: 'Layers' - single file with layers, 'Single' - single file, 'Multiple' - multiple files. OptimizationMethod choices are: 'No optimization', 'Line optimization' (Recommended), 'Paragraph optimization' and 'Table optimization'
- pdf_exportjpg Function
Exports a PDF file as a JPG file. This is useful for converting a PDF file into a JPG file. If the PDF file has multiple pages then one .jpg file is created for each page.
- pdf_exportrtf Function
Exports a PDF file as a RTF document. RTFOption choices: 'Advanced RTF' - Text and Graphics. Use frames to position objects, 'Full RTF' - Text and Graphics. No Frames. 'Formatted Text' - Text only, 'Simple Text' - Unformatted ASCII text. OptimizationMethod choices are: 'No optimization', 'Line optimization' (Recommended), 'Paragraph optimization' and 'Table optimization'. VersionToUse = -1 means use the Amyuni DLLs for current version of A5.
- pdf_fillInFields_get Function
Gets a list of the fill-in fields in a PDF file. If a PDF file is created with fill-infields, this function will extract the names of all of the fill-in fields in the file. You can optionally extract additional information about each field.
- pdf_fillInFields_merge Function
Merges data into a PDF file that has fill-in fields, creating a new PDF file with the filled in data. You can use the pdf_fillinFields_get() function to get the name of the fill-in fields in the PDF file.
- PDF_FromBitmap Function
The PDF_FromBitmap() function converts a bitmap file into a PDF file. Typically this function is used to create a PDF file that will be used as a Watermark for another PDF file. Returns the name of the PDF file.
- pdf_linearize Function
Linearize a PDF document so that it can be viewed one page at a time without the need to completely download the document. If Result_file is null, then the result is stored to the same file as the input file.
- PDF_MERGE Function
Merge content of Merge_File with Base_File, creating Result_file. Result_file has same number of pages as Base_file. If Merge_file has fewer pages than Base_File, 'flagMergeAllPages' controls whether Merge_file pages are repeated so that content is merged onto all pages in Base_file. If Result_File is blank, then content is merged with Base_File. Note: The 'logo' or 'watermark' file is the 'Merge_File'.
- pdf_optimize Function
Optimize a PDF document to make it smaller. If Result_file is null, then the result is stored to the same file as the input file. Results may vary based on the compression of the original file, but file size may be reduced by up to 50%.
The PDF_PAGECOUNT() function returns the number of pages in a PDF file.
- pdf_split_pages Function
Split pdf document into single file per page.
PRINT_FORM() creates the selected form and then displays a preview of the form.
- print_browse_open Function
Open a browse for printing.
- PRINT_FORM Function
PRINT_FORM() creates the selected form and then displays the Print dialog box.
- print_form_open Function
Open a browse for printing.
- print_label_open Function
Open a label for printing.
- print_layout Function
Print a layout
- print_letter_open Function
Open a letter for printing.
- PRINT_TO_FAX Function
PRINT_TO_FAX() selects the appropriate object, merges it with the selected data, and displays the Print dialog box..
- printCurrency Function
Used in a report to print an international currency symbol. If you print to PDF be sure to set PDF options to allow 'Multilingual support'.
- printhtml Function
For use in a calculated field in a Report, Label or Letter layout. Allows you to render HTML when the report is printed. Example usage - in a report to print an international currency symbol. If you print to PDF be sure to set PDF options to allow 'Multilingual support'.
The UI_PRINTER_OPTIONS_GET() function retrieves a list of printer field options.
The UI_PRINTER_SETTINGS_GET() function retrieves the configuration settings of a printer.