a5_savetowebappemailoutbox Function
- pMessagePointer
The email message to save. It can define the following properties:
- errorTextCharacter
If an error occurred while sending the email, contains additional information about the error.
- dateStampTime
The date the message was sent.
- subjectCharacter
The email subject
- sent_byCharacter
The email address of the sender. E.g. "[email protected]"
- sent_by_aliasCharacter
The name of the sender E.g. "Bob Jones".
- messageCharacter
The email message.
- senttoCharacter
The email address where the message was sent.
- pResultPointer
Contains additional information about the result of calling the function. The pResult will have the following properties:
- errorTextCharacter
If an error occurred while trying to save the email to the email outbox, this property will contain details about the error.
- resultLogical
Returns .T. if the email was saved. Returns .F. if an error was encountered. If an error occurred, pResult.errorText will contain additional information.
Used in a Web application to save an e-mail to the e-mail outbox
The a5_SaveToWebAppEmailOutBox() function is a utility function used to store data in an email outbox table. While this function could be used to store data to the outbox table, other techniques exist to write to this table (such as using an AlphaDAO connection string and the sql_insert() function.) An option to save sent messages to the outbox table is included in the built-in email actions for Server-side Action Scripting and Action Javascript.
dim pResult as p dim pMessage as p pmessage.wasSent = "Yes" pmessage.message = "this is the message that was sent" a5_SaveToWebAppEmailOutBox(pMessage,pResult)
Internal Use Only
See Also