File Functions
Functions to manipulate files.
You can also use the File Object
- Name
- Description
- A5_AddTempFile Function
The A5_AddTempFile() function registers a file that will be deleted when you exit from Alpha Anywhere.
- a5_create_tempfile Function
Creates a temporary file with the specified extension. If extension is not specified, then extension of .tmp is used. If folder is not specified, then uses Windows temp folder. File is automatically deleted when Alpha Anywhere is closed.
- A5_DownLoadFile Function
Downloads a file specified by a URL and saves it on the user's machine.
- a5_file_get_access_control Function
Get the permissions for a file or folder.
- A5_FILE_REMOVE Function
Deletes a file.
- A5_FileAttribute_Help Function
The A5_FileAttribute_Help() function displays the FileFind Attribute Codes dialog and returns the selected attribute codes.
- A5_FileAttributeHelper Function
This function doesn't exist anymore. The A5_FileAttributeHelper() function displays the Select File Attribute dialog and returns the selected attribute codes.
- A5_Get_FilesUpdatedSince Function
The A5_Get_FilesUpdatedSince() function returns a CR-LF delimited list of files updated since a specified time.
- a5_getaddinsinstalledfolder Function
Return the location of the installed addins folder
- a5_getcodelibraryfolder Function
Get the folder where the code libraries are stored
- a5_gettransformhistory Function
Load transform history from file
- a5_getuserdatafolder Function
Return the folder where user data is saved (i.e. My Documents)
- a5_is_addin_aex_outdated Function
Test to see if any of the component files in addin_library.aex was updated, making the addin_library.aex out of date.
- a5_libraries_synchronize Function
Used to make sure that that the addin_library.aex file in the program folder matches the list of .aex files in the 'addins_installed' folder
- a5_load_aex_files Function
Combines a crlf delimited list of .AEX files into a single .aex file. Then loads the resultant .aex file
- a5_path_relative Function
Create a relative path from a base location and a file path.
Prompts the user to select files in the current Database
- a5_promptforoverwrite Function
Prompt for the overwrite of a file.
- a5_regexfilename Function
Returns the name of the file used to store a history of regular expressions
- a5_saveas_formats_help Function
Bubble help list of file/save as formats.
- a5_savetransformhistory Function
Save the transform history to a file
Synchronize the files in two folders.
- a5_zip_files_w_fback Function
Used by Zip/Send/Backup Database. Creates a zip file based on an input list of files.
- a5Helper_generateFileDownloadJS Function
Generates JavaScript to return from an Ajax Callback to download a file to the client browser.
- BOF Function
Returns TRUE if the record pointer is at the beginning of the file.
- COPY_FILES Function
Copy a list of files from one folder to another
- FILE_COPY Function
Copies Source_Filename to Destination_Filename.
Returns the date, or time when a file was last updated. Info: d - date, t - time, dt - date&time
- FILE_GET_SIZE Function
Gets the size of a file in bytes.
- FILE_IS_OPEN Function
Returns .t. if the file is currently open.
Returns a crlf delimited string of files in a table. Options "d" - include Dictionary, "x" - include Indexes
- GET_FROM_FILE Function
Returns the contents of a file as a text string.
- getfromapplicationdatafile Function
Get data from an application data file. String is passed by reference
- SAVE_TO_FILE Function
Save a string to a file. The file can be saved to the local machine or Amazon S3.
- savetoapplicationdatafile Function
Save a file to the application data folder. Used for settings that don't go in the registry.
- touch Function
Updates the last access and last update time for a file.
- UNZIP_FILES Function
Unzips files in a zip file. This high level function is a wrapper around the low level file.unzip() method.
- XPS_to_PDF Function
Convert a XPS file to a PDF file.
- ZIP_FILES Function
Zips up a CRLF delimited list of files. Wildcards in filenames are supported. For speed, files are combined into batches, and each batch is zipped at once.
- zip_folder Function
Zips all of the files in a folder.