Filename Functions
Alpha Anywhere provides the following filename functions.
- Name
- Description
- a5_backup_filename Function
Generates a filename to use for a Backup if user selects the 'keep previous backup' option.
- a5_get_tempfile_name Function
Returns a unique temporary filename with a .tmp file extension. User is responsible for removing file when it is no longer needed.
- a5_getaddinlibraryfilename Function
Return the name of the addin library filename (addin_library.aex)
- a5_getaddinlibrarylistfilename Function
Return the name of the file containing the list
- a5_getapplicationdatafilename Function
Given a filename, returns the fully qualified path and filename that goes in the application data folder. If lForceAppData = .T., always return the user's application data
- a5_getappserveractivationfilename Function
Returns the name of the file to be used for storing the Application Server's activation packet on disk
- a5_getappserverconfigfile Function
Return the full filename of the configuration file used by the Application Server
- a5_getcodelibraryfilename Function
Get the filename of the selected clip library
- a5_gethelpfilename Function
Return the file name of the product's help file
- a5_getstylesheettablefilename Function
Returns the filename for the table where stylesheets are stored
- a5_getsystemmenusfilename Function
Return the name of the system menus filename
- a5_getsystemtoolbarsfilename Function
Return the name of the system toolbars filename
- a5_gettransformhistoryfilename Function
Return the filename of the Transform History file
- a5_getuserdatafilename Function
Get the filename for a file in the user data folder (i.e. filename within my documents)
- A5_Qualify_Filename Function
The A5_Qualify_Filename() function qualifies a filename it by adding missing drive and path designation (if necessary), relative to the current .ADB file. e.g. 'data.txt' becomes 'c:\myapp\data.txt'
- A5_SHORTEN_FN Function
The A5_SHORTEN_FN() function shortens a filename to the specified number of characters by truncating the path and inserting "...". The default length is 30. The minimum returned will be the filename itself with all path information removed.
Converts a relative filename into an absolute filename. If reference_path is blank, assume current database path.
FILENAME_DECODE() returns a character string after converting an aliased filename to a fully qualified filename. The value of the FILENAME_DECODE() and FILENAME_ENCODE()functions is that they make it easier to develop an application that is less location dependent. In the following example, "[documents]" is defined as "c:\documents\".
FILENAME_ENCODE() returns a character string after converting a filename to an aliased filename. The value of the FILENAME_DECODE()and FILENAME_ENCODE() functions is that they make it easier to develop an application that is less location dependent. In the following example, "[documents]" is defined as "c:\documents\".
Converts an aliased filename to a real filename
Returns true if the filename is relative to the reference path (current database path if ommitted)
Converts a filename into a relative filename. If reference_path is blank, assume current database path.
Converts a filename to an aliased filename
Takes a root filename and increments a trailing digit in the name until the root filename is unique. If root_filename is blank, returns a unique filename with the specified prefix and extension in the temp folder. If mode = 1 then the trailing digit (if any) on the filename that was past in will be incremented. 'number_prefix' is inserted infront of the number that is used to increment the filename.
Used to encode an image filename with an alias. Called by routines that set the image filename
TOKEN_NAME_INCREMENT() returns a unique file name derived from Filename by adding a sequence number. Incrementing a name value is useful for creating unique names when a name already exists.