
System Functions


File system, HTTP ,FTP and operating system functions.

Developer Functions

Alpha Anywhere provides the following functions that will be useful to the Alpha Anywhere application developer.

Directory Functions

Alpha Anywhere provides the following Directory functions and methods.

Email Functions

Alpha Anywhere provides the following email functions for using Alpha Anywhere's built-in email program.

Encryption Functions

Alpha Anywhere provides the following Encryption functions and methods.

File Functions

Functions to manipulate files.

Filename Functions

Alpha Anywhere provides the following filename functions.

FTP Functions

Alpha Anywhere provides the following FTP functions.

HTTP Client Functions

Functions for performing PUT, POST, GET, FETCH, DOWNLOAD, and DELETE HTTP operations using Xbasic.

Performance Functions

Alpha Anywhere provides the following performance functions.

System Functions

Alpha Anywhere provides the following system functions.

Thread Functions

Alpha Anywhere provides the following thread functions.

Trace Functions

Alpha Anywhere provides the following trace functions.

Web Socket Functions

Alpha Anywhere provides the following web socket functions.

Related Directory Functions

A5.GET_EXE_PATH() Returns the path of the Alpha Anywhere executable.

A5.GET_MASTER_PATH() Returns the path of the master database from which the current shadow database was derived.

A5.GET_MASTER_NAME() Returns the path of the master database from which the current shadow database was derived.

A5.GET_PATH() Returns the path of the currently open .ADB database file. It is a useful function when you want to make an application portable between computers.

A5.GET_PRIVATE_PATH() Returns the current user's local path. This is where the queries that the user runs get stored.

A5.GET_SHARED_PATH() Returns the shared Alpha Anywhere path. This is where the help files and executables for Alpha Anywhere are stored.

A5_GET_WRITABLE_DRIVES() Returns a list of writable drives.

DIR_REMOVE_RECURSE() Recursively removes directories and files from the current directory and its child directories.

<FILEFIND>.IS_DIRECTORY() Returns .T. if the file referenced by the object pointer is a directory.

FILE.COPY_FOLDER() Copies all files and subfolders from Source_Folder to Target_Folder.

FILE.DIR_CREATE() Creates a new directory.

FILE.DIR_CREATE_RECURSE() Creates a folder, creating as many subfolders as necessary.

FILE.DIR_GET() Returns the current directory.

FILE.DIR_PUT() Changes the current location to the specified directory.

FILE.FILENAME_PARSE() Returns the directory component of a file name.

FILE.TEMP_PATH_GET() Returns the path of your temporary directory.

FILE.WATCH_CREATE() Allows you to monitor the activity in a particular folder on your computer, and automatically execute Xbasic code when events occur.

FILEFIND.FIRST() The FILEFIND.FIRST() method creates the object pointer that can be used to find all of the files in a directory.

FILEFIND.GET() The FILEFIND.GET() method creates a CR-LF delimited string with information about the files in a directory that match a pattern.

WIN_CREATE_SHORTCUT() Creates a shortcut to a specified program.

WIN_SPECIAL_FOLDER() Returns the path to the specified Windows special folder, such as the Desktop folder.

Related Email Functions

SET.SEND() Emails a set using either the Alpha Anywhere internal email client or a third party email client.

TABLE.SEND() Emails a table using either the Alpha Anywhere internal email client or a third party email client.

UI_EMAIL_SETTINGS() Displays the Email Settings dialog box.

UI_GET_EMAIL_TEMPLATES() Displays the Retrieve Email Message dialog box and returns the selected profile.

email_send_noprofile() Sends an email message, doing its own setup and teardown of the SMTP connection. Can use Alpha Anywhere or .NET Framework SMTP.

The following table contains Netmailer functions.

A5_RUN_EMMJ() Choose a Netmailer Maintenance Job from a table or set and run it.

Netmailer is sold as an add-in to Alpha Anywhere. Contact sales at Alpha Software for more information.

Related Encryption Functions

API_UUIDCREATE() - Returns a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID...otherwise known as a Globally unique ID or GUID).

CCVALID() - CCVALID()returns .T. (TRUE) if a field contains a valid Credit_Card_Number. DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION_

KEY_SET() - Sets the default key that Alpha Anywhere will use to encrypt and decrypt tables.

<TBL>.DECRYPT() - Decrypts a table.

<TBL>.ENCRYPT() - Encrypts a table.

<TBL>.ENCRYPTED() - Returns .T. (TRUE) if the table is encrypted.

Related File Functions

FILE.APPEND() Appends character or blob data to a file.

FILE.APPEND_LINE() Appends character data to a file.

.ATTRIBUTES_SET() Sets the attributes for filename.

.ATTRIBUTES_GET() Gets the attributes of filename.

.COPY() Copies Source Filename to the Destination Filename.

.COPY2() Copies a file to a new location, creating the target folder(s) if they do not exist.

.COPY_FOLDER() Copies files and subfolders from one folder to another.

.CREATE() Creates and opens a new file, returning the object pointer reference to the file.

.CREATE_TIME() Returns the date/time that Filename was created.

.DEPENDENCIES() Determines if the master file, which is based on transaction files, is out of date.

.DIR_CREATE() Creates a new directory.

.DIR_CREATE_RECURSE() Creates a new directory, creating all the intermediate directories that are required.

.DIR_GET() Gets the current directory.

.DIR_PUT() Moves to a directory.

.DIR_REMOVE() Deletes a directory.

.DRIVE_SPACE_AVAIL() Returns the number of bytes of available space on Drive.

.DRIVE_SPACE_TOTAL() Returns the size in bytes of Drive.

.DRIVE_TYPE() Returns the type of Drive.

.DRIVES_GET() Returns a list of all of the logical drives.

.EXISTS() Determines if a file exists on disk.

.FILENAME_PARSE() Returns the specified component (drive, path, name or extension) of Filename.

.FROM_BLOB() Creates a file from binary data.

.FROM_PROPERTY() Creates a file from a pointer (dot) variable.

.FROM_STRING() Creates a file from a character string.



SHORTNAME() Converts Windows long path names to the old style 8.3 Windows filename format.

.MACHINES_GET() Returns a list of network drives, machines, and printers.

.OPEN() Opens a data file for input or output and returns the object pointer to the file.

.READ_TIME() Returns the date/time that Filename was last read.

.REMOVE() Erases a particular file, removing it from the disk.

.RENAME() Changes the name of a file.

.SEND() Sends multiple files via the current MAPI email client, or the built-in Alpha Anywhere email client.


LONGNAME() Converts an old style 8.3 Windows filename to a long name.

.SIZE() Returns the size of a file.

.TEMP_CREATE() Creates a temporary data file with a unique name.

.TEMP_PATH_GET() Returns the path to the temporary directory.

.TO_BLOB() Reads a binary file from disk into a blob variable.

.TO_PROPERTY() Reads a file created by the FILE.FROM_PROPERTY() method and returns its contents as a string.

.TO_STRING() Reads a file from disk into a text variable.

.UNZIP() Extracts the files that match the mask from Zip_Filename, and places the files in the Output_Directory.

.UPDATE_TIME() Returns the date/time that filename was last updated.

.WATCH_CREATE() Allows you to monitor the activity in a particular folder on your computer, and automatically execute Xbasic code when events occur.

.WATCH_DESTROY() Removes a watch set by FILE.WATCH_CREATE().

.WATCH_ENUMERATE() Lists the "watches" set by the FILE.WATCH_CREATE() method.

.ZIP() Adds a file or files to a zip file called Zip_Filename.

.ZIPLIST() Returns a character string with all of the files in Zip_Filename, formatted according to the Format_String.

Prefix the following methods with the object pointer. Use the FILE.OPEN() to retrieve the object pointer.

.BYTES_GET() Returns the number of bytes in a file.

.CHARS_GET() Returns the number of characters in a file.

.CLASS() Returns the class of the file.

.CLOSE() Closes the file referenced by the object pointer.

.EOF() Returns TRUE if the end of the file.

.FLUSH() Flushes output held in the disk cache, to assure all output is stored safely in the file.

.IS_VALID() Determines if the file pointer is valid.

.POS_GET() Returns the position in the file of the file pointer.

.READ() Retrieves a specified Number of Characters from a file starting at the current file offset.

.READ_LINE() Retrieves text data from the current file offset to the end of the line.

.READB() Retrieves a specified Number of Bytes from a file starting at the current file offset.

.SEEK() Sets the position of the file pointer to a Byte Offset (measured in bytes) in relation to the beginning of the file.

.TEXT_ENCODING() Returns the text encoding method.

.WRITE() Transfers the contents of a Text string to the location of the current file pointer in the open file.

.WRITE_LINE() Writes a line of text data (Text Line) to the location of the current file pointer.

.WRITEB() Transfers the contents of a blob to the location of the current file pointer.

Alpha Anywhere provides the following useful file functions.

A5_AddTempFile() Registers a temporary file that Alpha Anywhere will delete when you exit Alpha Anywhere.

A5_FileAttributeHelp() Displays the FileFind Attribute Codes dialog and returns the selected attribute codes.

A5_FileAttributeHelper() Displays the Select File Attribute dialog and returns the selected attribute codes.

A5_PROMPT_FILES_IN_DB() Displays a selection dialog and returns a list of database and web publishing files.

A5_SYNCHRONIZE_FOLDERS() Returns a dot variable containing lists of the files and folders in Folder1 and Folder2 that have different update times.

COPY_FOLDER() Copies all of the files in the Source_Folder to the Target_Folder.

EOF() Returns .T. (TRUE) if the record pointer is at the end of the file for the table specified by its Table Handle; otherwise, it returns .F. (FALSE).

FILE_COPY() Copies Source Filename to Destination Filename.

FILES_IN_SET() Creates a CR-LF delimited character string containing the fully qualified names of the components of the set.

LIST_FILES_IN_SET() Creates a CR-LF delimited character list containing the fully qualified names of the components of the set.

UI_GET_FILE() Allows the user to select a path and filename.


MULTIPLE() Allows the user to select files.

UNZIP_FILELIST() Extracts all or specified files from a ZIP file to a specified directory.

Related Filename Functions

A5.GET_MASTER_NAME() Returns the name of the master database if the workstation is shadowed.

A5.GET_NAME() Returns the filename of the current database.

FILE.ATTRIBUTES_GET() Gets the attributes of Filename.

FILE.ATTRIBUTES_SET() Sets the attributes of Filename.

FILE.FILENAME_PARSE() Returns the name component of a filename.

FILES_IN_SET() Creates a CR-LF delimited character string containing the fully qualified names of the components of the set.

FILES_IN_TABLE() Creates a CR-LF delimited character string list containing the fully qualified names of the components of the table.

LIST_FILES_IN_SET() Creates a CR-LF delimited character list containing the fully qualified names of the components of the set.

Related System Functions

A5_GET_WRITABLE_DRIVES() Returns a list of drives that are writeable.

API_GETUSERS() Returns a list of the users of a computer or domain.

FILE.DRIVE_SPACE_AVAIL() Returns the number of bytes of available space on Drive.

FILE.DRIVE_SPACE_TOTAL() Returns the size in bytes of Drive.

FILE.DRIVE_TYPE() Returns the type of Drive.

FILE.DRIVES_GET() Returns a list of all of the logical drives.

FILE.MACHINES_GET() Returns a list of network drives, machines, and printers.

SYS_ID_ENUM() Creates a CR-LF delimited character string that lists the windows currently available on your system.

SYS_ID_GET() Obtains the Window_Handle of a program that is identified by its Window_Title.

SYS_ID_HIDE() Hides the window specified by Window_Name.

SYS_ID_MAXIMIZE() Maximizes the window named Window_Name and brings it to the foreground.

SYS_ID_MINIMIZE() Minimizes the window named Window_Name.

SYS_ID_MOVE() Moves the window named Window_Name to the new location on the screen specified by Left_Position and Top_Position.

SYS_ID_POSITION_GET() Returns a character string the contains the location of Window_Name.

SYS_ID_RESIZE() Resizes the window named Window_Name to the dimensions specified by Width and Height.

SYS_ID_RESTORE() Returns Window_Name to the size and screen coordinates that it has before a SYS_ID_MAXIMIZE()or SYS_ID_MINIMIZE()command.

SYS_ID_SHOW() Opens the window specified by Window_Name.

SYS_ID_SIZE_GET() Returns a character string containing the width and height in inches of Window_Name.

WIN_TIME() Returns information about a computer's time settings.

Related Thread Functions

THREAD.CURRENT() Returns a pointer to the current thread.

THREAD.GET() Returns a pointer to the named thread.

THREAD.UI_DISABLED() Returns the disabled status of the current thread.

See Also