Web Application Functions
Alpha Anywhere provides the following functions for working with web applications.
- Name
- Description
- Web Application Menu Functions
Functions for working with menus in web applications.
- Web Application Script Functions
Functions for working with scripts in web applications.
- a5w_DeleteFromWebAppRepository Function
Deletes a key from the web application repository.
- a5w_EnumerateWebAppRepository Function
Lists keys in the web app repository.
- a5w_GetFromWebAppRepository Function
Used in a Web application to read data to the Web Application Repository.
- a5w_SaveToWebAppRepository Function
Used in a Web application to save data to the Web Application Repository.
- A5_AllWebFiles Function
Gets a list of all .a5w and .a5wcmp files in the current web project.
- A5_EditComponentStyle Function
Used to Invoke the web component style builder from the Edit menu of the Web control panel.
- a5_exif_getLatLon Function
Reads a jpeg file and extracts GPS Lat/Lon, formatted for use with Google Maps, if present.
- a5_globalSetting_add Function
Adds a setting to the Global Settings table.
- a5_globalSetting_delete Function
Deletes a setting from the Global Settings table.
- a5_globalSetting_get Function
Reads a setting from the Global Settings table.
- A5_HTML_LIST_ADO Function
Queries an ADO Record Set to return an OPTION list for use in an HTML form.
- A5_HTML_LIST_DBF Function
Queries a Table or Set to return an OPTION list for use in an HTML form.
Creates the <option> ....</option> syntax from a crlf delimited list for use in an HTML list or combo box
- A5_WebCPOpen Function
Open the Web Control Panel
Generate code for Checkbox controls.
- A5W_LOAD_AEX Function
Deprecated. The .AEX file can be placed in any directory.
Loads a web component into an A5W page and returns a pointer to its data structure.
Used to generate radio button HTML markup for a web page.
- A5W_UNLOAD_AEX Function
Deprecated. Unloads the Addin library that was loaded by a previous call to the 5w_load_aex() function.
- a5wcb_editJavascript Function
Used in Component Builder to prompt for javascript code.
- A5WS_ImportUsersDbf Function
Import selected User records from an external table into the current project web security users table
- A5WS_LockOutUserRelease Function
Web Security - Release the User Value if it is currently locked
- A5WS_LockOutUserSet Function
Web Security - Lockout the User Value until the set time / date. If 'UntilTime' is not entered, the User Value is locked out indefinitely until manually released
- A5WS_LockOutUserStatus Function
Determine if a specific UserValue is locked out. Returns blank if UserValue not locked out, and returns 'locked out until time' as character if locked out.
- A5WS_Logged_In_User_Values Function
Show available field values for current logged in user. All values will return as character.
Load UDF's from an .ALB file into memory - permission can be Application,Addin or System.
- UDF_DEFINE Function
Create a udf from the UDF script.