A5WS_Add_Group Function
This function cannot be used to add roles to Active Directory. See Active Directory Integration for more information.
- group_nameCharacter
The name of the new security group to be added.
- LocalrequestLogical
The Request system variable. It is added automatically by the server when run from a web page.
- Result_FlagLogical
.T. = The group was added. .F. = The group was not added. Result_Flag will be .F. if the group name already exists.
Add a group to the list of security groups for the current project.
The A5WS_Add_Group() adds a security group to the web security system with the name supplied in group_name. If the group value was not added or already exists, the Result_Flag will return 'False'. Request is added automatically by the server when run from a web page.
The following example attempts to add a group using the group name.
?a5ws_Add_Group("newGroup") = .T.
Web applications only.
See Also