A5WS_Delete_Group Function
- Result_Flag
.T. = The group was deleted. .F. = The group was not deleted.
- group_value
A unique value assigned to a security group in the web security system. It can be a group 'guid' or a valid group name.
- confirm_empty
If True, the group will only be deleted if no users are assigned to the group. The default is .F. and the group will be deleted even if users are assigned to the group.
- Localrequest
Optional. The Request system variable. It is added automatically by the server when run from a web page.
Delete a web security group in the current project. Group_value can be a group 'name' or a group 'guid'. Default for 'confirm_empty' is False. If True, the group will only be deleted if no users are assigned to group. 'Request' pointer must be provided if run in web page.
The A5WS_Delete_Group() deletes a security group from the web security system as identified by the group value. Group_value can be a group 'guid' or a valid group name. If the group value is not found, the Result_Flag will return 'False'. If confirm_empty is .T. and there are users assigned to the group, the group is not deleted and the Result_Flag will be .F.. Request is added automatically by the server when run from a web page.
The following example attempts to delete a valid group using the group name. Confirm_Delete is set to .T. and there are users assigned to the group.
?a5ws_Delete_Group("administrators",.T.) = .F.
Web applications only.
See Also