a5ws_ChangeLoggedInUserPassword Function
- Result
Holds status. Result.errors will return TRUE if any errors are found during processing. result.error_text holds any messages returned
- OriginalPassword
The current password for the current logged in user
- NewPassword
New password to enter
- ConfirmPassword
Double entry of new password
- request
(optional) The Request system variable. This variable explicitly passes the request object to the function.
- session
(optional) The Session System variable. This variable explicitly passes the session object to the function.
Web Security - Change a logged in user's password. This can only be run from the Application Server
Web Security - Change a logged in user's password. The a5ws_ChangeLoggedInUserPassword() function populates a dot variable with two possible return values. Result.errors will return False if security is not active, a password is not required for the current security configuration, or a password change was successful. All other conditions return Result.errors = true. Messages will almost always be returned in Result.error_text. The following conditions give the message shown
- Security is not active. "Security is Not Active"
- A password is not required. "Security Does Not Require a Password"
- The password change was successful. "Password Changed"
- The function was not run from a page or component on the App server. "This option can only be run from the Application Server"
- No user is logged in when the function is called. "No User is Logged In"
- The security does not allow password change. "Password Change is Not Allowed"
- The data did not validate. "Invalid Data Supplied"
- The password data is valid, but not accepted by rule. "Password Information Not Accepted"
dim pResult as p pResult = a5ws_ChangeLoggedInUserPassword(OriginalPassword,NewPassword ,ConfirmPassword ,request, session)
Can only be run from the Application Server
See Also