Web Application Server Functions
Alpha Anywhere provides the following functions for controlling the Web Application Server.
- Name
- Description
- A5_HTTP Function
Returns either 'http://' or 'https://' depending on whether SSL is running.
- a5_serverside_findbykey Function
Used when Find by Key command is invoked for an active-link table. Does a server-side query.
- a5_serverside_query_genie Function
Opens the server-side filter/order builder for a form/browse that is based on an active-link table.
- a5_serversidesavedqueryrun Function
Run a saved server side query
- a5http_AddCertFileToCARoots Function
Adds the specified certificate file to the CARoots file (trusted root certificates) used by http_* client functions and curl operations.
- a5http_CARootsFile Function
Returns the default CA Roots file used for http_* client functions and curl operations.
- a5http_CARootsPath Function
Returns the location of the default CA Roots file used for curl and http_* client functions and curl operations.
- A5W_INFO Function
Creates a web page with info about the A5W environment
- httpd_autoactivate Function
Automatically install and activate server licenses
- httpd_defaultCipherList Function
Returns the default cipher list to be used by the server if the ciphers used by the server have not been set.
- httpd_gettimeskewinminutes Function
Get time skew compared to NIST in minutes. Returns 0 if NIST cannot be contacted.
- httpd_gettimeskewinseconds Function
Get time skew compared to NIST in seconds. Returns 0 if NIST cannot be contacted.
- httpd_license_activate Function
Activates the specified Application Server license
- httpd_license_deactivate Function
Deactivates the specified Application Server license
Determines whether or not the Application Server is running.
Restarts the Classic Application Server.
Starts the Application Server
Stop server
Toggles the state of the Application Server (e.g. starts a stopped server, stops a running server)
- xmlhttp_classname Function
Return the correct XMLHTTP class name based on what is installed in the current operating system
Additional Functions for controlling the Web Application Server.
A5_COUNT_WEBSESSIONS() - Returns the number of active sessions.
SERVER.RESET() - Deletes all server variables.
SESSION.RESET() - Resets the current session by clearing out all variables that are stored in the current client session.