a5_ux_action Function


C a5_UX_Action(P e ,P ops [,C actionType ])









Perform an action on the UX during an ajax callback. actionType is: 'ajaxListAction' (default), 'populateControlsFromTable'

Summary of Actions that Can Be Performed

The a5_ux_action() Xbasic function is a utility function that can be used in an Ajax callback to generate the Javascript commands to perform certain actions on a UX component. The purpose of this command is to allow you to consolidate several actions that would normally be performed by distinct Ajax callbacks into a single Ajax callback. The actions that can be performed by this utility function are:

  • List Control Action

  • Filter List

  • Refresh List

  • Refresh row(s) by key value

  • Append row(s) by key value

  • Refresh Data Series

  • Set UX into 'New Record' mode

  • Populate Controls with Data from a Table

  • Refresh choices in a dropdownbox control

List Control Action:Filter List

Filters/sorts the data in a List control. This action is equivalent to the {dialog.object}.filterList() method. Example:

Function myAjaxCallback as c (e as p)

    dim ops as p
    ops.Action = "Filter"
    ops.filter = "country = :country and city = :city"
    ops.order = "companyname desc"

    'the arguments are specified in a crlf() delimited string. 
    'syntax is argumentValue|||type|argumentName
    ops.parameters = "UK|||c|country" + crlf() + "London|||c|city"

    'specify the id of the list to filter
    ops.listId = "list1"

    dim xb as c
    xb = a5_UX_Action(e,ops,"ajaxListAction")

    myAjaxCallback = xb 

end function

List Control Action: Refresh List

Refreshes the data in a List control. This action is equivalent to the {dialog.object}.refreshListData() method. Example:

Function myAjaxCallback as c (e as p)
    dim ops as p
    ops.Action = "Refresh"
    ops.listId = "list1"
    dim xb as c
    xb = a5_UX_Action(e,ops,"ajaxListAction")
    myAjaxCallback  = xb 
end function

List Control Action:Refresh Row(s) by key value

Refreshes data in one or more rows of a List control. This action is equivalent to the {dialog.object}._listRefreshRecordsByKey() mehod. Example:

Function myAjaxCallback as c (e as p)
    dim ops as p
    'primary keys to refresh (case sensitive!)
    ops.primaryKey = "EASTC,GALED,FURIB"
    ops.listId = "list1"
    ops.action = "refreshRowByKey"

    'if the record to be refreshed is not currently in the list, 
    'should it be added to to the list?
    ops.appendRowsNotInList = .f.

    dim xb as c
    xb = a5_UX_Action(e,ops,"ajaxListAction")
    myAjaxCallback = xb
end function

List Control Action:Append row(s) by key value

Appends data to a List control. This action is equivalent to the {dialog.object}._listFetchRecordsByKey() method. Example:

Function myAjaxCallback as c (e as p)
    dim ops as p
    'primary keys to fetch and add to list (case sensitive!)
    ops.primaryKey = "EASTC,GALED,FURIB"
    ops.listId = "list1"
    ops.action = "appendRowByKey"
    dim xb as c
    xb = a5_UX_Action(e,ops,"ajaxListAction")
    myAjaxCallback = xb
end function

Refresh Data Series

Refreshes one or more data series. All controls that are bound to the data series are refreshed. This action is equivalent to the {dialog.object}.refreshDataSeries() method. Example:

Function myAjaxCallback as c (e as p)
    dim ops as p
    ops.Action = "refreshDataSeries"
    ops.seriesNames = "series1,series2,series3"
    dim xb as c
    xb = a5_UX_Action(e,ops,"ajaxListAction")
    myAjaxCallback = xb 
end function

Set UX into 'New Record' mode

This action is equivalent to the {dialog.object}.newRecord() method Example:

Function myAjaxCallback as c (e as p)
    dim ops as p
    myAjaxCallback = a5_UX_Action(e,ops,"NewRecord")
end function

Populate Controls with Data From a Table

(Applies only if the UX has been data bound). Populates controls on the UX with data from the data bound tables for a specified primary key value. This action is equivalent to the {dialog.object}.populateControlsFromTable() method. Example:

Function myAjaxCallback as c (e as p)
    dim ops as p
    ops.primaryKey = "ALFKI"  'case sensitive!
    dim js_getRecord as c 
    ops.__dtfmt = e.rtc._state.__dtfmt
    dim js as c 
    js = a5_UX_Action(e,ops,"populateControlsFromTable")
    myAjaxCallback = js 
end function

Refresh choices in a dropdownbox control

This action is equivalent to the {dialog.object}.refreshDropdownBoxChoices() method. Example:

function myAjaxCallback as c (e as p)
    dim js as c 
    dim ops as p
    'name of dropdowncontrol to refresh
    ops.controlName = "CITIES"
    'if the control is in a repeating section should just the current instance
    'be repopulated
    ops.currentRepeatingSectionRowOnly = .f.
    'filter for query
    ops.filter = "country = :whatcountry"
    'argument value - format is value|||type|argumentName
    ops.arguments = "USA|||c|whatCountry"

    'value in dropdownbox to select after it has been populated
    ops.selectedValueAfterPopulate = ""

    js = a5_ux_action(e,ops,"refreshDropDownBox") 
    myAjaxCallback = js 

end function