a5_ux_action Function
- Summary of Actions that Can Be Performed
- List Control Action:Filter List
- List Control Action: Refresh List
- List Control Action:Refresh Row(s) by key value
- List Control Action:Append row(s) by key value
- Refresh Data Series
- Set UX into 'New Record' mode
- Populate Controls with Data From a Table
- Refresh choices in a dropdownbox control
- e
- ops
- actionType
Perform an action on the UX during an ajax callback. actionType is: 'ajaxListAction' (default), 'populateControlsFromTable'
Summary of Actions that Can Be Performed
The a5_ux_action() Xbasic function is a utility function that can be used in an Ajax callback to generate the Javascript commands to perform certain actions on a UX component. The purpose of this command is to allow you to consolidate several actions that would normally be performed by distinct Ajax callbacks into a single Ajax callback. The actions that can be performed by this utility function are:
List Control Action
Filter List
Refresh List
Refresh row(s) by key value
Append row(s) by key value
Refresh Data Series
Set UX into 'New Record' mode
Populate Controls with Data from a Table
Refresh choices in a dropdownbox control
List Control Action:Filter List
Filters/sorts the data in a List control. This action is equivalent to the {dialog.object}.filterList() method. Example:
Function myAjaxCallback as c (e as p) dim ops as p ops.Action = "Filter" ops.filter = "country = :country and city = :city" ops.order = "companyname desc" 'the arguments are specified in a crlf() delimited string. 'syntax is argumentValue|||type|argumentName ops.parameters = "UK|||c|country" + crlf() + "London|||c|city" 'specify the id of the list to filter ops.listId = "list1" dim xb as c xb = a5_UX_Action(e,ops,"ajaxListAction") myAjaxCallback = xb end function
List Control Action: Refresh List
Refreshes the data in a List control. This action is equivalent to the {dialog.object}.refreshListData() method. Example:
Function myAjaxCallback as c (e as p) dim ops as p ops.Action = "Refresh" ops.listId = "list1" dim xb as c xb = a5_UX_Action(e,ops,"ajaxListAction") myAjaxCallback = xb end function
List Control Action:Refresh Row(s) by key value
Refreshes data in one or more rows of a List control. This action is equivalent to the {dialog.object}._listRefreshRecordsByKey() mehod. Example:
Function myAjaxCallback as c (e as p) dim ops as p 'primary keys to refresh (case sensitive!) ops.primaryKey = "EASTC,GALED,FURIB" ops.listId = "list1" ops.action = "refreshRowByKey" 'if the record to be refreshed is not currently in the list, 'should it be added to to the list? ops.appendRowsNotInList = .f. dim xb as c xb = a5_UX_Action(e,ops,"ajaxListAction") myAjaxCallback = xb end function
List Control Action:Append row(s) by key value
Appends data to a List control. This action is equivalent to the {dialog.object}._listFetchRecordsByKey() method. Example:
Function myAjaxCallback as c (e as p) dim ops as p 'primary keys to fetch and add to list (case sensitive!) ops.primaryKey = "EASTC,GALED,FURIB" ops.listId = "list1" ops.action = "appendRowByKey" dim xb as c xb = a5_UX_Action(e,ops,"ajaxListAction") myAjaxCallback = xb end function
Refresh Data Series
Refreshes one or more data series. All controls that are bound to the data series are refreshed. This action is equivalent to the {dialog.object}.refreshDataSeries() method. Example:
Function myAjaxCallback as c (e as p) dim ops as p ops.Action = "refreshDataSeries" ops.seriesNames = "series1,series2,series3" dim xb as c xb = a5_UX_Action(e,ops,"ajaxListAction") myAjaxCallback = xb end function
Set UX into 'New Record' mode
This action is equivalent to the {dialog.object}.newRecord() method Example:
Function myAjaxCallback as c (e as p) dim ops as p myAjaxCallback = a5_UX_Action(e,ops,"NewRecord") end function
Populate Controls with Data From a Table
(Applies only if the UX has been data bound). Populates controls on the UX with data from the data bound tables for a specified primary key value. This action is equivalent to the {dialog.object}.populateControlsFromTable() method. Example:
Function myAjaxCallback as c (e as p) dim ops as p ops.primaryKey = "ALFKI" 'case sensitive! dim js_getRecord as c ops.__dtfmt = e.rtc._state.__dtfmt dim js as c js = a5_UX_Action(e,ops,"populateControlsFromTable") myAjaxCallback = js end function
Refresh choices in a dropdownbox control
This action is equivalent to the {dialog.object}.refreshDropdownBoxChoices() method. Example:
function myAjaxCallback as c (e as p) dim js as c dim ops as p 'name of dropdowncontrol to refresh ops.controlName = "CITIES" 'if the control is in a repeating section should just the current instance 'be repopulated ops.currentRepeatingSectionRowOnly = .f. 'filter for query ops.filter = "country = :whatcountry" 'argument value - format is value|||type|argumentName ops.arguments = "USA|||c|whatCountry" 'value in dropdownbox to select after it has been populated ops.selectedValueAfterPopulate = "" js = a5_ux_action(e,ops,"refreshDropDownBox") myAjaxCallback = js end function