Web Application
Functions for working with web applications, web application security, web components, and the Alpha Anywhere Classic Application Server.
- Name
- Description
- Web Application Functions
Alpha Anywhere provides the following functions for working with web applications.
- Web Application Security Functions
Alpha Anywhere provides the following functions for working with web application security.
- Web Application Server Functions
Alpha Anywhere provides the following functions for controlling the Web Application Server.
- Web Application Component Functions
Alpha Anywhere provides the following functions for working with components in web applications.
- a5_check_throttle_file Function
Used by developers in Runtime applications
- a5_get_webfile Function
Bring up a file selection dialog designed for Web Project files
- a5_getapplicationdatafolder Function
Return the application data folder where settings should be stored
- a5_getinstallationapplicationdatafolder Function
Gets a path to store installation-specific application data
- a5_loadapplicationdata Function
Load application data from a source
- a5_run_async_xbasic Function
Executes Xbasic code in an Ajax Callback without waiting for the code to finish running before sending a response to the client.
- a5_webprojectfile Function
Takes a short web project name and returns real filename. e.g. dialog1 or default|dialog1
- a5_webprojectget Function
Gets the default web project name
- a5_webprojectpath Function
Returns the path of a WebProject.
- a5_webprojectslist Function
Gets a list of the Web Projects for the specified Database
- a5_websharedresourcepath Function
Returns the path of Shared Resources for web projects.
- a5_wf_style_builder Function
Edit an A5 Webform style
- a5_wf_style_names Function
Get a list of styles. If type=1 then a5 standard, if type=2 then all styles.
- a5_wfse Function
Generic webform style component editor.
- A5_xb_runGenericComponent Function
Generates the HTML and Javascript for a UX, PageLayout or Custom component.
- A5_xb_runGridComponent Function
Generates the HTML and Javascript for a Grid component.
- a5AjaxChunkedResponseWrite Function
Used in an Ajax callback that sends back chunked responses. Sends a message to the client.
- a5w_analyzeWebAccessLogs Function
Get a list of requests per minute from web access logs. Show as chart or list. Can be run on desktop or web.
- a5w_getExtendedUserInfo Function
Reads data from the Extended User Information table.
- a5w_saveToExtendedUserInfo Function
Saves data to the extended user information table.
- a5wcb_createframelayoutarray Function
A web application function.
- a5wcb_extendedUserInfoTableFields Function
Gets a list of fields in the Extended User Information Table.
- a5wcb_friendlyname_decode Function
Transforms a Web Project friendly name to a file name
- a5wcb_friendlyname_encode Function
Transforms a Web Project filename to a friendly name
- a5wcb_getextauthproviders Function
Get a list of supported providers defined in Name Resources for the current project
- a5wcb_getprojectfmname Function
Returns the Web Project that a given filename is in
- a5wcb_linkfilterbuildercs Function
Create a filter for SQL based Grid component
- a5wcb_prompthighordertext Function
Prompt for a text value. High order characters are uni-code encoded.
- a5wcb_promptstatictext Function
The a5wcb_promptstatictext Function
- a5wcb_removejavascriptcomments Function
Remove comments from a Javascript function
- a5wcb_removejavascriptevents Function
Remove javascript attributes and hrefs from html to prepare it for display in the local preview window
- a5wcb_replace_comp_style Function
Replace the style used by one or more selected components. If a list of components is supplied, 'runsilent' can be set to True. The component selection dialog will not appear if 'runsilent' is True. If a style is not specified, the current default style is used. A dialog will always show the progress of the operation.
- a5wcb_tabtemplateajax Function
Generates a template for an HTML tab container. Returns .html and .js properties. tabList is a crlf delimited list of tab labels.
- a5wcb_ux_register_userdefined_control Function
Used in a5wcb_ux_addinControls() to register any user defined controls (e.g. a5wcb_uxdefineControl_formView())
- compile_Xbasic_function_library Function
Used in a web application to compile an Xbasic Function Library so that functions defined in the library can be called. You can pass in an optional searchPath for the Function Library.
- currentgridfilter Function
Pseduo-function used to apply the filter for a Grid Component to a Report.
- currentgridorder Function
Pseduo-function used to apply the order for a Grid Component to a Report.
- currentlistfilter Function
Pseduo-function used to apply the server-side filter for a List control in a UX Component to a Report.
- currentlistorder Function
Pseduo-function used to apply the server-side order for a List control in a UX Component to a Report.
- loadClass Function
Loads a class definition from an .a5xbclass file.
- require Function
Used in a web application to load an Xbasic Module so that functions defined in the module can be called. You can pass in an optional searchPath. By default, the searchPath includes [webroot]\Xbasic_modules