Variable Functions
Alpha Anywhere provides the following functions and methods for working with variables.
- Name
- Description
Get the differences between two properties, store in difference pointer.
- *summary_groups_enum Function
Return group contexts visible to variable frame - optional format can include $N-group name and $T-group type.
- *variable_delegate Function
Delegate a variable.
- *variable_name_normalize Function
Normalize characters in a variable name.
- *variable_parent_restore Function
Remove variable frame parent override.
- *variable_parent_set Function
Override a variable frames parent.
- *variable_to_script Function
Create a script that would initialized the variables in the variable frame - option flag 'w' - generate with statements.
- a5_cnvrt_dot_vars Function
Takes the sub elements of a dot variable and create standard variables in the specified namespace
- a5_copy_ask_vars Function
Copies "ask" variable values from one session to another
- a5_defaultvalue_get Function
Get a default value for a variable from the Registry (in the "Preferences\DefaultValueForVariable" key).
- a5_defaultvalue_set Function
Set a default value for a variable in the Registry in the "Preferences\DefaultValueForVariable" key.
Brings up a dialog box to define Global Variables
Deletes a saved setting. Setting created by a5_settings(). Record name is 'setting_name' and type is 'SAVU'.
- a5_dim_ask_vars Function
DIMs a CRLF delimited list of ask variables
Creates Xbasic commands to initialize a dot-variable. Used in Xdialog code generator
- a5_extract_ask_vars Function
Returns a CRLF delimited list of ASK variables.
- a5_get_var_names Function
For use in the Script Genie. Returns a CRLF delimited list of variable names|type that can be used in the Genie. Var_types filters the list a=alltypes, c=char, cn=char and numeric etc.
- a5_is_var_name_valid Function
Returns .t. if a variable name does not contain any invalid characters
- a5_javascript_property_to_attribute Function
Converts a dot variable that contains Javascript events to a list of attributes.
- a5_list_user_vars Function
List all of the user defined variables in the specified variable frame
Reads the contents of a setting in a dictionary into a 'dot_variable'. Setting created by A5_SAVE_SETTINGS(). Record name is 'setting_name' and type is 'SAVU'.
- a5_prompt_for_ask_vars Function
Prompt for ask variables contained in a CRLF, or comma, delimited list of Ask Variables
- a5_property_to_arguments Function
Converts a dot variable to SQL Arguments, setting the argument name to match the variable name, and the 'data' to contain the variables value.
- a5_property_to_attribute Function
Converts a dot variable to a list of attributes.
Saves the contents of 'dot_variable' to a record in the dictionary. Record name is 'setting_name' and type is 'SAVU'.
- a5w_resolvevariablesinoverridesettings Function
Used inside an a5w page to replace session and page variables in the .override_settings string.
- all_variables Function
Return all scoped variables in the context.
- CANCEL Function
Cause script to cancel the calling operation (if supported by Trigger).
- getenvironmentvariable Function
Returns the value of the requested environment variable or "" if not set.
- global_variables Function
Gets the global variable frame.
Gets the local variable frame, used to pass local script variables down to other functions.
- Merge_Variable_Frames Function
Merges the variables from one variable frame into another variable frame.
- PROP_VALID Function
Tests whether a dot variable has a specified property
Returns CR-LF serarated property list.
Recover previously dumped contents back into a pointer, format allows for optional user spec.
Recursive property assignment (for propagating properties instead of referencing them).
Dump pointer contents (can be variable frame) to a string - (impose optional limit on length of leaf data).
- propertyfromquerystring Function
Converts a query string to a dot variable. Example: name=Jim&city=Boston&age=23
Replaces variables in a string with their actual values. If expression_mode = .t. then creates valid Xbasic expression. E.g. mydate = {12/12/2005}
Gets a sessions variable frame.
- SHOWVAR Function
Display the contents of a variable
- submit_let Function
Submit a variable value to another running session.
- variable_exists Function
Return true if a variable exists.
- variable_name_normalize Function
Makes a suggested variable name into a valid variable name. E.g '0first name' becomes 'v0first_name'
Additional Methods for Working with Variables
The following functions are also useful for working with variables
A5.READ_SETTING() - Reads a variable from a library.
A5.WRITE_SETTING() - Saves a variable to a library.
ADDIN.VARIABLES() - Allows you to read and write pointer variables.
FILE.FROM_PROPERTY() - Creates a file from the contents of a dot variable.
FILE.TO_PROPERTY() - Creates and populates a dot variable with the contents of a file.
PROPERTY_FROM_BLOB() - Converts a dot variable and its elements to a blob variable.
PROPERTY_TO_BLOB() - Converts a blob variable previously created by PROPERTY_FROM_BLOB() into a dot variable.