Extension::CouchDB Class
CouchDB client class for performing direct CRUD operations against a couchDB or couchBase endpoint.
- baseURLCharacter
String baseURL property
- databaseCharacter
String database property
- errorTextCharacter
String errorText property
- usernameCharacter
String username property
- passwordCharacter
String password property
- certificateCharacter
String certificate property
- query_limitNumeric
Numeric query_limit property
- query_skipNumeric
Numeric query_skip property
- formatJsonLogical
Logical formatJson property
- AddIndex Method
Add index (if _index endpoint supported by backend).
- AddRecord Method
Adds a document db record using 'id'.
- AddRecordAttachment Method
Add or replace an attachment to a revision of a record.
- BulkOperation Method
Bulk add/remove/update record operation.
- CleanupViews Method
Clean up any unused couchdb views.
- CommitChanges Method
Instructs couchdb to commit all changes to disk.
- Create Method
Create a couchdb object.
- CreateDatabase Method
Create couch database (first time in).
- DatabaseCompact Method
Instructs couchdb to compact the database.
- DeleteIndex Method
Remove index (if _index endpoint supported by backend).
- DeleteRecord Method
Deletes a document db record using 'id'.
- DeleteRecordAttachment Method
Delete an attachment from a revision of a record.
- DropDatabase Method
Delete the couchdb database.
- GetAllRecords Method
Gets all records for a document database.
- GetDatabaseInfo Method
Just get the database top level information.
- GetRecord Method
Gets a document db record using 'id'.
- GetRecordAttachment Method
Get an attachment to a revision of a record.
- GetRecordRevisions Method
Gets a document db record using 'id'.
- GetRecords Method
MongoDB style query (using _find endpoint).
- GetSecurity Method
Get security for database.
- GetTemporaryView Method
Return the results of a temporary view (for development, avoid use for production site).
- GetView Method
Query a saved view - leave viewName blank if same as design name.
- GetViewKey Method
Get view documents that match the key.
- GetViewRange Method
Get view with a key documents between the key values, inclusive flag for endkey is included.
- GetViewValue Method
Just return the 'value' json.
- ListDatabases Method
Get top level database list.
- ListIndexes Method
Get list of indexes (if _index endpoint supported by backend).
- ReplicateDatabase Method
Replicate a database.
- UpdateRecord Method
Updates a document db record using 'id'.
See Also