Extension::MongoDB Class
MongoDB client, allows direct CRUD calls to a mongoDB server.
- collectionCharacter
String collection property
- baseURLCharacter
String baseURL property
- databaseCharacter
String database property
- errorTextCharacter
String errorText property
- usernameCharacter
String username property
- passwordCharacter
String password property
- certificateCharacter
String certificate file, if set to 'none' then the default behavior of the client library will be used.
- query_limitNumeric
Numeric query_limit property. If value is greater that 0, the number of records returned by GetRecords or GetAllRecords will be limited to the specified number.
dim mongo as extension::MongoDB = extension::MongoDB::Create("mongodb://localhost:27017","Northwinds","Customers") mongo.query_limit = 2 mongo.formatJson = .t. ? mongo.GetRecords("","","{ \"_id\" : 0 ,\"CustomerID\" : 1 }") = [ { "CustomerID": "ALFKI" }, { "CustomerID": "ANATR" } ]
- query_skipNumeric
Numeric query_skip property. If greater than zero, GetRecords and GetAllRecords with skip the first query_skip document records.
dim mongo as extension::MongoDB = extension::MongoDB::Create("mongodb://localhost:27017","Northwinds","Customers") mongo.query_skip = 2 mongo.query_limit = 2 mongo.formatJson = .t. ? mongo.GetRecords("","","{ \"_id\" : 0 ,\"CustomerID\" : 1 }") = [ { "CustomerID": "ANTON" }, { "CustomerID": "AROUT" } ]
- formatJsonLogical
Logical formatJson property - if set to true, automatically reformats the produced JSON.
- AddRecord Method
Adds a document db record using 'id'.
- BulkOperation Method
Bulk add/remove/update record operation.
- Create Method
Create a mongo object.
- CriteriaToJavascript Method
Converts Mongo DB style JSON criteria into a javascript comparison expression where variables are under 'doc'.
- DeleteRecord Method
Deletes a document db record using 'id'.
- DropCollection Method
Drop a collection.
- DropDatabase Method
Delete the mongo database.
- GetAllRecords Method
Gets all records for a document database.
- GetRecord Method
Gets a document db record using 'id'.
- GetRecords Method
Get records from mongo collection that match the criteria spec.
- ListCollections Method
Get collections in the current database.
- ListDatabases Method
Get top level database list.
- MapReduce Method
Get result of a map/Reduce against a mongo collection.
- RenameCollection Method
Rename a collection.
- UpdateRecord Method
Updates a document db record using 'id'.
See Also