Extension::OAuthClient Class
OAuth class, can be used to sign oAuth 1.0 service requests.
- profileNameCharacter
String profileName property
- user_agentCharacter
String user_agent property
- timezoneCharacter
String timezone property
- use_sslLogical
Logical use_ssl property
- hostCharacter
String host property
- Character
String authorize_path property
- authenticate_pathCharacter
String authenticate_path property
- access_token_pathCharacter
String access_token_path property
- token_pathCharacter
String token_path property
- revoke_pathCharacter
String revoke_path property
- resource_hostCharacter
String resource_host property
- consumer_keyCharacter
String consumer_key property
- consumer_secretCharacter
String consumer_secret property
- enable_proofLogical
Logical enable_proof property
- signing_keyCharacter
String signing_key property
- user_tokenCharacter
String user_token property
- user_secretCharacter
String user_secret property
- nonceCharacter
String nonce property
- timestampCharacter
String timestamp property
- curl_connecttimeoutNumeric
Numeric curl_connecttimeout property
- curl_timeoutNumeric
Numeric curl_timeout property
- curl_ssl_verifyhostNumeric
Numeric curl_ssl_verifyhost property
- curl_ssl_verifypeerLogical
Logical curl_ssl_verifypeer property
- curl_cainfoCharacter
String curl_cainfo property
- curl_capathCharacter
String curl_capath property
- curl_followlocationLogical
Logical curl_followlocation property
- curl_proxyCharacter
String curl_proxy property
- curl_proxyuserpwdCharacter
String curl_proxyuserpwd property
- curl_encodingCharacter
String curl_encoding property
- is_streamingLogical
Logical is_streaming property
- streaming_eolCharacter
String streaming_eol property
- streaming_metrics_intervalNumeric
Numeric streaming_metrics_interval property
- oauth_nonceCharacter
String oauth_nonce property
- oauth_timestampCharacter
String oauth_timestamp property
- oauth_tokenCharacter
String oauth_token property
- oauth_consumer_keyCharacter
String oauth_consumer_key property
- oauth_signature_methodCharacter
String oauth_signature_method property
- oauth_versionCharacter
String oauth_version property
- oauth_callbackCharacter
String oauth_callback property
- oauth_signatureCharacter
String oauth_signature property
- oauth_verifierCharacter
String oauth_verifier property
- client_idCharacter
String client_id property
- client_secretCharacter
String client_secret property
- oauth2_refreshCharacter
String oauth2_refresh property
- oauth2_bearerCharacter
String oauth2_bearer property
- oauth2_scopeCharacter
String oauth2_scope property
- oauth2_stateCharacter
String oauth2_state property
- responseURIQuery
URIQuery response property
Extension::URIQuery Class- response_codeNumeric
Numeric response_code property
- response_contentCharacter
String response_content property
- response_curl_errorCharacter
String response_curl_error property
- RequestUrlQueryStringCharacter
String RequestUrlQueryString property
- TokenTimeoutNumeric
Numeric TokenTimeout property
- TokenTimeoutCodepatternCharacter
String TokenTimeoutCodepattern property
- SuccessVariableCharacter
String SuccessVariable property
- ErrorVariableCharacter
String ErrorVariable property
- ResourceHostVariableCharacter
String ResourceHostVariable property
- ProfileUrlVariableCharacter
String ProfileUrlVariable property
- TokenExpiresVariableCharacter
String TokenExpiresVariable property
- TokenIssuedVariableCharacter
String TokenIssuedVariable property
- ProfileIdVariableCharacter
String ProfileIdVariable property
- getProfileInfoCharacter
String getProfileInfo property
- UIClientIdTextCharacter
String UIClientIdText property
- UIClientSecretTextCharacter
String UIClientSecretText property
- TemplateDisplayNameCharacter
String TemplateDisplayName property
- TemplateEmailCharacter
String TemplateEmail property
- SourceFileNameCharacter
String SourceFileName property
- SourceFileTimeStampTime
Time SourceFileTimeStamp property
- ProcessCodePatternCharacter
String ProcessCodePattern property
- UIWindowWidthCharacter
String UIWindowWidth property
- UIWindowHeightCharacter
String UIWindowHeight property
- supportedResourcesCharacter
String supportedResources property
- AuthenticationUrlParametersCharacter
String AuthenticationUrlParameters property
- ApplicationPathCharacter
String ApplicationPath property
- design_metadataCharacter
String design_metadata property
- url_encode_flagsCharacter
String url_encode_flags property
- AccessToken Method
Request an oauth access token, given authentification data.
- AccessToken2 Method
Request an oauth access token, given code.
- AddAuthenticationUrlParameter Method
Add a AuthenticationUrlParameter.
- AddProfile Method
Adds an oauth profile to the list of profiles (these are used by CreateOAuth to construct new profiles) - if profile of name already exists, profile gets replaced.
- AddsupportedResource Method
Add a supportedResource.
- AuthenticationURI Method
Returns authentication URI from template (with parameters filled in).
- CleanupRequests Method
Clean up any requests that have been hanging around longer than 'seconds'.
- CreateOAuth Method
Create an OAuth object with defaults for oauth_profile (currently supported 'twitter').
- DefaultProfile Method
Returns a pointer to the 'default' profile.
- DeleteAuthenticationUrlParameter Method
Delete a AuthenticationUrlParameter.
- DeletesupportedResource Method
Delete a supportedResource.
- Exec Method
Perform an OAuth request.
- ExecLow Method
Perform an OAuth request, but pass the parameters as a string (setting proper order of parameters is on the caller).
- GetMetadata Method
Get the design_metadata for a profile type (settings for the builder that prompts user for client_id/keys etc).
- GetoAuthLevel Method
Return the oAuth level (if defined) for a profile.
- GetRequestData Method
Get (and remove) request tokens url from cache.
- GetTokenForCallback Method
Given a callback uri, determine the request token (which can be used by GetRequestData).
- InsertAuthenticationUrlParameter Method
Insert a new AuthenticationUrlParameter.
- InsertsupportedResource Method
Insert a new supportedResource.
- ListProfiles Method
Returns a list of the registered profiles.
- MoveAuthenticationUrlParameter Method
Move a block of AuthenticationUrlParameter items.
- MovesupportedResource Method
Move a block of supportedResource items.
- NOnce_Generate Method
Generate a new OAuth nonce token.
- OpenIdUrl Method
Generate a url for open id, required and optional are comma delimited lists of attributes to retreive on the request.
- OpenIdValidate Method
Validate a call from open id, pass in the uriQuery parameters.
- PeekRequestData Method
Peek (and keep around) request tokens url from cache - used for getting context *before* the validate call.
- PopulateApplicationTokens Method
Populate the application specific tokens from a json string.
- RefreshAccessToken2 Method
Get a new Aouth 2.0 access token using a refresh token.
- RequestToken Method
Request an oauth token for sign-in using oauth.
- RevokeRefreshToken2 Method
Revokes a refresh token to prevent further access using this token.
- SetRequestData Method
Sets a url for a request token (time sensitive cache).
- TimeStamp_Generate Method
Generate a new OAuth timestamp token.
See Also