Extension::RedisClient Class
Redis Client class, used to communicate with a Redis Server.
- hostCharacter
String host property
- portNumeric
Numeric port property
- BRPop Method
BRPop Command. returns last element and removes or block until one is available.
- BRPopLPush Method
BRPopLPush Command. Pop a value from a list, push it to another list and return it; or block until one is available.
- CreateClient Method
Replicate a database.
- CreateListener Method
Create a named listener, takes a cr-lf delimited list of redis commands to listen on.
- Decr Method
Incr Command.
- Del Method
Delete Command.
- Execute Method
Execute Command.
- Exists Method
Exists Command.
- Expire Method
Expire Command. Key will go away in # of seconds.
- Get Method
Get Command.
- GetReply Method
Block until next result (i.e. subscribe).
- GetSet Method
GetSet Command. Gets old value at same time it sets new value.
- Incr Method
Incr Command.
- Keys Method
Keys Command. Use pattern to search for keys.
- LIndex Method
LIndex Command. Get an element from a list by its index.
- LInsert Method
LInsert Command. Inserts a value index a list after (or before) the item in find.
- LLen Method
LLen Command. Get the length of a list (with optional value to stop at).
- LPop Method
LPop Command. Remove and get the first element in a list.
- LPush Method
LPush Command. Prepend one or multiple values to a list.
- LPushX Method
LPushX Command. Prepend a value to a list, only if the list exists.
- LRange Method
LRange Command. Get a range of elements from a list.
- LRem Method
LRem Command. Get a range of elements from a list.
- LSet Method
LSet Command. Set the value of an element in a list by its index.
- LTrim Method
LTrim Command. Trim a list to the specified range.
- Persist Method
Persist Command. Removes any expiration on key.
- Rename Method
Rename Command.
- RenameNX Method
Rename Command. Only performs the rename if the key does not exist.
- RPop Method
RPop Command. Remove and get the last element in a list.
- RPopLPush Method
RPopLPush Command.Remove and get the last element in a list
- RPush Method
RPush Command. Append value to list.
- RPushX Method
RPushX Command. Append value to list, only if the list exists.
- Set Method
Set Command.
- TTL Method
TTL Command. returns time to live for a key.
See Also