Helper Namespace
Helper methods for Html Processing.
- Name
- Description
- Helper::ExifInfo Class
Class to extract exif information from an image file.
- Helper::GoogleDrive Class
Helper class for downloading and uploading files to Google Drive.
- helper::GoogleSheet Class
- Helper::GPSExifInfo Class
Class to hold GPS data for related ExifInfo class.
- Helper::HtmlProcessor Class
Class to search and replace html elements and attributes.
- Helper::HtmlToPdf Class
Class that wraps the wkhtmltppdf utility to convert HTML content to PDF. The helper::HtmlToPdf Class class allows you to convert HTML to PDF or a URL to PDF. The following example code can be pasted into a new script in the Code editor and executed.
- helper::JSONsql
Helper functions for querying JSON data.
- Helper::Node Class
Manage and communicate with node instances from Alpha Anywhere.
- Helper::NodeAttachment Class
- Helper::NodeAttachments Class
- Helper::ShellProcess Class
Class to support running shell programs.