INET::Socket::ReadUntil Method
Result_Flag as L = ReadUntil(Data BYREF as C, Delimiter as C [, ReturnDelimiter as L] [,Timeout as N [, ReleaseXbasic as L = .t.]])
- Result_Flag
TRUE (.T.) if the operation was successful; otherwise FALSE (.F.).
- Data
The data received from the connection.
- Delimiter
The character that defines a logical segment of the data, such as a CR-LF that ends a line.
- ReturnDelimiter
Indicates whether to include the Delimiter in the Data.
- .T. (TRUE) = The returned string contains the delimiter.
- .F. (FALSE) = The returned string does not contain the delimiter.
- Timeout
The number of seconds before the method returns.
- ReleaseXbasic
L = .t.
The INET::Socket::ReadUntil() method reads from the input stream until the delimiter is encountered or a timeout occurs. If the function returns FALSE, there may still be data in the returned buffer. This means that the read timed-out before receiving the delimiter. If ReturnDelimiter is true, the delimiter is returned with the string.
See Also