nodeservices::firestore Class


collections Method

Returns names for firestore collections, note that these are case senseitive.

createRules Method

Create/update rules for accessing firestore collections.

delete Method

Delete a document from a firestore collection given the documents unique id.

get Method

Get a document from a colection using the documents unique id.

getRules Method

Return the rules for a firestore database.

getUserClaims Method

Retrieve the user 'claims' for a firestore database, these are generally used by the firestore rules, but are useful for the alpha anywhere server for determining what functionality the application exposes.

query Method

Return a list of documents, which can be filtered based on optional criteria.

setUserClaims Method
users Method

et list of users.

verifyUsers Method

Verify a user who logged in via a token sent from client side authentication. Will return the user if the token is valid, otherwise an error will be returned.

See Also