
Office Example: Simple Weekly sales spreadsheet


This example creates a simple spreadsheet with summarized sales and expense data for a single week. The spreadsheet is populated with a title, column headings, labels, and formulas to calculate the daily gross profit, summarize the weeks sales and expenses and the week's gross profit. After the spreadsheet is populated, it is opened in Microsoft Excel.

dim DocumentFile as C = "C:\temp\A5OfficeSample1.xlsx"
dim Doc as Office::ExcelDocument ' Declare the document variable
' Compute the date of the most recent Sunday
dim StartDate as D = date() - (dow(date()) - 1)
CreateWeeklySalesAndExpenses(StartDate, Doc)
Path = file.filename_parse(DocumentFile, "P")
on error resume next
on error goto 0
if Doc.Save(DocumentFile)
  ' Release all references to the document because we are 
        ' about to open it in Excel
  delete Doc
  ui_msg_box("Error Saving Document", "Unable to save document to " \
          + DocumentFile + ":" + crlf(2) + Doc.ErrorMessage)
end if  
FUNCTION CreateWeeklySalesAndExpenses as V(StartDate as D, Doc as Office::ExcelDocument)
dim Sheet as Office::Spreadsheet 'Pointer to the spreadsheet
' Layout of the spreadsheet
dim TitleRow    as N = 1
dim HeadingRow    as N = 4
dim DetailRow    as N = 6
' Create a new spreadsheet
Sheet = Doc.AddSheet("Weekly Sales & Expenses") 
WritePageHeading (StartDate, Doc, Sheet, TitleRow)
WriteColumnHeadings (StartDate, Doc, Sheet, HeadingRow)
WriteData (StartDate, Doc, Sheet, DetailRow)
FUNCTION WritePageHeading as L (StartDate as D, Doc as Office::ExcelDocument, \
                                Sheet as Office::Spreadsheet, StartRow as N)  
' Add a title formatted with Bold 14 point Tahoma font in Blue
'     and merge the first 5 columns in the first row
dim Format as Office::Format 'Pointer to the format for Page headings
dim Font as Office::Font 'Pointer to the font for Page headings
Format        = Doc.AddFormat()
Font        = Doc.AddFont()
Font.Color      = Office::Color::DarkBlue
Font.Name      = "Tahoma"
Font.Size      = 14
Font.Bold      = .t.
Format.Font      = Font 'Set the font into the page heading format
Format.HorizontalAlignment  = Office::HorizontalAlignment::Center
Sheet.Write(1,1,"Weekly Sales Summary", Format)
Sheet.Write(2,1,"Week Beginning " + StartDate, Format)
WritePageHeading = .t.
FUNCTION WriteColumnHeadings as L (StartDate as D, Doc as Office::ExcelDocument, \
                                   Sheet as Office::Spreadsheet, StartRow as N)
dim ColumnHeadings as C = <<%txt%
Daily Sales
Daily Expenses
Gross Daily Profit
dim ColumnWidth(5( as N
ColumnWidth(1( = len("Wednesday")
ColumnWidth(2( = len("00/00/0000")
ColumnWidth(3( = len("($000,000.00)")
ColumnWidth(4( = len("($000,000.00)")
ColumnWidth(5( = len("($000,000.00)")
dim ColumnHeadingCount as N = w_count(ColumnHeadings, crlf())
' Add the column headings (row 3)
' Add a title formatted with Bold 14 point Tahoma font in Blue 
'        and merge the first 5 columns in the first row
dim LeftFormat as Office::Format 'Pointer to the left aligned format for Column headings
dim RightFormat as Office::Format'Pointer to the right aligned format for Column headings
dim Font as Office::Font   ' Pointer to the font for Column headings
Font        = Doc.AddFont()
Font.Color      = Office::Color::DarkBlue
Font.Name      = "Tahoma"
Font.Size      = 11
Font.Bold      = .t.
LeftFormat      = Doc.AddFormat()
LeftFormat.Wrap      = .t.
LeftFormat.Font      = Font ' Set the font into the column heading format
LeftFormat.HorizontalAlignment  = Office::HorizontalAlignment::Left
RightFormat      = Doc.AddFormat()
RightFormat.Wrap    = .t.
RightFormat.Font    = Font ' Set the font into the column heading format
RightFormat.HorizontalAlignment  = Office::HorizontalAlignment::Right
for i = 1 to ColumnHeadingCount
  CurrentHeading = word(ColumnHeadings, i, crlf())
  Sheet.SetColumn(i, i, max(ColumnWidth(i( * 1.2, Sheet.ColumnWidth(i)))
  Sheet.Write(StartRow, i, CurrentHeading, if(i < 2, LeftFormat, RightFormat))
WriteColumnHeadings = .t.
FUNCTION WriteData as L (StartDate as D, Doc as Office::ExcelDocument, \
                         Sheet as Office::Spreadsheet, StartRow as N)
' Set the font into the column heading format
dim NumericFormat as Office::Format  ' Write the detail data and a total line
dim DateFormat as Office::Format  ' Pointer to the format for numeric columns
dim CharacterFormat as Office::Format  ' Pointer to the format for the date column
dim Font as Office::Font    ' Pointer to the format for labels
dim LabelFont as Office::Font    ' Pointer to the font for column data
dim Sales as N
dim Expenses as N
dim ProfitFormula as C
' Pointer to the font for labels 
Font          = Doc.AddFont()
Font.Color        = Office::Color::Black
Font.Name        = "Tahoma"
Font.Size        = 10
Font.Bold        = .f.
' Create a font for the detail data
NumericFormat        = Doc.AddFormat()
NumericFormat.Font      = Font  ' Set the font into the column heading format
NumericFormat.HorizontalAlignment   = Office::HorizontalAlignment::Right
NumericFormat.NumericFormat    = Office::NumericFormat::CurrencyDec2NegBracketedInRed
' Create a format for numeric columns
DateFormat        = Doc.AddFormat()
DateFormat.Font        = Font ' Set the font into the column heading format
DateFormat.HorizontalAlignment          = Office::HorizontalAlignment::Right
DateFormat.NumericFormat    = Office::NumericFormat::Date
' Create a format for the date column
LabelFont        = Doc.AddFont()
LabelFont.Color        = Office::Color::DarkBlue
LabelFont.Name        = "Tahoma"
LabelFont.Size        = 10
LabelFont.Bold        = .t.
LabelFormat        = Doc.AddFormat()
LabelFormat.Font      = LabelFont ' Set the font into the column heading format
LabelFormat.HorizontalAlignment    = Office::HorizontalAlignment::Left
'Set the font into the column heading format
for i = 1 to 7
  CurrentDate = StartDate + (i - 1) ' Create a format for the character column
  Row       = StartRow + i - 1    'Set the font into the column heading format
        ' Loop through the days of the week to create the detail
  GetSalesAndExpenses(CurrentDate, Sales, Expenses)
  'Get the date of the current day of the week
  ProfitFormula = "($000,000.00)" + Row + "($000,000.00)" + Row
  Sheet.Write(     Row, 1, CDow(CurrentDate), LabelFormat)'Compute the spreadsheet row
  Sheet.Write(     Row, 2, CurrentDate,   DateFormat)   'Call a test function that generates random data
  Sheet.Write(     Row, 3, Sales,        NumericFormat)'Create a formula for profit = sales - expenses
  Sheet.Write(     Row, 4, Expenses,   NumericFormat)'Day of the week
  Sheet.WriteFormula(Row, 5, ProfitFormula,NumericFormat)'Date
Row = StartRow + 8
ProfitFormula = "($000,000.00)" + Row + "($000,000.00)" + Row
Sheet.Write(Row, 1, "Tahoma", LabelFormat)
Sheet.WriteFormula(Row, 3, "Tahoma" + StartRow + "Tahoma" + (StartRow + 6) + "C", NumericFormat)
Sheet.WriteFormula(Row, 4, " - D" + StartRow + "C" + (StartRow + 6) + "C", NumericFormat)
' Write the total line
Sheet.WriteFormula(Row, 5, ProfitFormula, NumericFormat)
WriteData = .t.
FUNCTION GetSalesAndExpenses as L (Date as D, BYREF Sales as N, BYREF Expenses as N)
' Sum of Sales
Sales     = 2600 + rand() * 500
Expenses   = 2500 + rand() * 500  
GetSalesAndExpenses = .t.  

See Also