Office::NumericFormat Enumeration
Numeric formatting options for cells containing numeric values.
- Format
- Description
- Office::NumericFormat::General
Value = 0. General Format.
- Office::NumericFormat::Number
Value = 1. General numeric format for example - 1000.
- Office::NumericFormat::NumberDecimal2
Value = 2. Number with a decimal point for example - 1000.00.
- Office::NumericFormat::NumberSeparated
Value = 3. Number with thousands separator for example - 100,000.
- Office::NumericFormat::NumberSeparatedDecimal2
Value = 4. Number with decimal point and thousands separator for example - 100,000,00.
- Office::NumericFormat::CurrencyNegativeBracketed
Value = 5. Monetary value, negative in brackets for example - (1000$).
- Office::NumericFormat::CurrencyNegativeBracketedInRed
Value = 6. Monetary value, negative is in red brackets for example - (1000$).
- Office::NumericFormat::CurrencyDec2NegBracketed
Value = 7. Monetary value with decimal point, negative in brackets for example - ($1000.00).
- Office::NumericFormat::CurrencyDec2NegBracketedInRed
Value = 8. Monetary value with decimal point, negative in red brackets for example - ($1000.00).
- Office::NumericFormat::Percent
Value = 9. Percent value, multiply the cell value by 100 for example - 75%.
- Office::NumericFormat::PercentDecimal2
Value = 10. Percent value with decimal point, multiply the cell value by 100 - for example 75.00%.
- Office::NumericFormat::ScientificDecimal2
Value = 11. Scientific value with E character and decimal point - for example 10.00E+1.
- Office::NumericFormat::Fraction1Digit
Value = 12. Fraction value, one digit - for example 10 1/2.
- Office::NumericFormat::Fraction2Digit
Value = 13. Fraction value, two digits - for example 10 23/95.
- Office::NumericFormat::Date
Value = 14. Date value, depends on OS settings - for example 3/11/2011.
- Office::NumericFormat::CustomDMonYY
Value = 15. Custom date format D-MON-YY - for example 11-Mar-09.
- Office::NumericFormat::CustomDMon
Value = 16. Custom date format D-MON - for example 11-Mar.
- Office::NumericFormat::CustomMonYY
Value = 17. Custom date format MON-YY - for example Mar-09.
- Office::NumericFormat::CustomHMMAM
Value = 18. Custom time format H:MM AM - for example 8:30 AM.
- Office::NumericFormat::CustomHMMSSAM
Value = 19. Custom time format H:MM:SS AM - for example 8:30:00 AM.
- Office::NumericFormat::CustomHMM
Value = 20. Custom time format H:MM - for example 8:30.
- Office::NumericFormat::CustomHMMSS
Value = 21. Custom time format H:MM:SS - for example 8:30:00.
- Office::NumericFormat::CustomMDYYYYHMM
Value = 22. Custom time format MDYYYY H:MM AM - for example 3/11/2009 8:30.
- Office::NumericFormat::NumberSepNegBracketed
Value = 37. Number with thousands separator, negative in brackets - for example (4,000).
- Office::NumericFormat::NumberSepNegBracketedInRed
Value = 38. Number with thousands separator, negative in red brackets - for example (4,000).
- Office::NumericFormat::NumberSepDec2NegBracketed
Value = 39. Number with thousands separator and decimal point, negative in brackets - for example (4,000.00).
- Office::NumericFormat::NumberSepDec2NegBracketedInRed
Value = 40. Number with thousands separator and decimal point, negative in red brackets - for example (4,000.00).
- Office::NumericFormat::Account
Value = 41. Account value - for example 5,000.
- Office::NumericFormat::AccountCurrency
Value = 42. Account value with currency symbol- for example $ 5,000.
- Office::NumericFormat::AccountDecimal2
Value = 43. Account value with decimal point - for example 5,000.00.
- Office::NumericFormat::AccountDecimal2Currency
Value = 44. Account value with currency symbol and decimal point - for example $ 5,000.
- Office::NumericFormat::CustomMMSS
Value = 45. Custom time format MM:SS - for example 30:55.
- Office::NumericFormat::CustomH0MMSS
Value = 46. Custom 24-hour time format H0:MM:SS - for example 20:30:55.
- Office::NumericFormat::CustomMMSS0
Value = 47. Custom time value MM:SS.0 - for example 30:55.0.
- Office::NumericFormat::Custom000P0E_PLUS0
Value = 48. Custom value 000.0E+0 - for example 152E+3.
- Office::NumericFormat::Text
Value = 49. Any text value.