
SQL::ImportStatement Object


IMPORT WITH [ APPEND | REPLACE ] INTO ' Target_Table_Name ' | : Table_Argument [ DBFDEFINITION ' Database_Definition ' | : Database_Argument ] ( FROM Source_Table_Name ) | Select_Statement



The full path and table name of an Alpha Anywhere .DBF table that will receive the data.


An argument that provides a full path and table name of an Alpha Anywhere .DBF table.


A series of field names and specifications in the format: FieldName, Type, Length, DecimalPlaces. DBFDEFINITION can override column names and precision, but must map positionally to an appropriate type.


An argument that provides a series of field names and specifications in the format: FieldName, Type, Length, DecimalPlaces.


The name of the target field.


The type of the field. Refer to Create a New Table for valid field types.


The total number of character positions for the field.


For numbers only. The number of character positions after the decimal point.


The specification for an external (non-Alpha Anywhere) table that will provide the data.


A SQL SELECT statement that retrieves data from an external (non-Alpha Anywhere) table. The syntax parsed for the SELECT statement (as with other statements) is portable SQL. The connection passed into the execute function determines the syntax executed.


The SQL::ImportStatement object parses and executes an Alpha Anywhere Portable SQL import statements of the general form.

The SQL::ImportStatement object appends or replaces records in an Alpha Anywhere .DBF table. The object may optionally use a reference table to define the target table's structure or it may define the target table's field structure in-line.

Syntax Examples

In these three cases the target table is created to match the requirements of the imported data.

import with replace into 'c:\test.dbf' select * from customers where city = :city"
import with replace into 'c:\test.dbf' FROM customers"
import with replace into :targettable DBFDEFINITION :dbfDefinition FROM customers

In these two cases the target table is created to the specifications included in the statements.

import with replace into :targettable DBFDEFINITION ' CUSTOMER_ID,C,15,0 COMPANYNAME,C,40,0 CONTACTNAME,C,30,0 ' FROM customers
import with replace into 'c:\test.dbf' DBFDEFINITION ' CUSTOMER_ID,C,15,0 COMPANYNAME,C,40,0 CONTACTNAME,C,30,0 ' FROM customers


Example usage

dim c as SQL::connection
dim i as SQL::importstatement 
if c.open("{a5api=access,filename=c:\northwind.mdb,username=admin}")
    if i.parse(importsyntax)
        i.Arguments.set("targettable", TargetTableName)
        i.Arguments.set("dbfdefinition", DBFDefinition)
        i.Arguments.set("city", "London")
        EventScript = GetEventScript(TargetTableName)
        if i.executewithevents(c, EventScript)
            ? success handling code
            ? error handling code
        end if
        ? error handling code
    end if
    ? error handling code
end if

Using the ::PARSE() method.

dim import as SQL::ImportStatement
import.Parse("import with replace into 'c:\test.dbf' select * from customers where city = :city")

Using the ::EXECUTE() method.

dim import as SQL::ImportStatement
dim stat as C
stat = "import with replace into 'c:\test.dbf' select * from customers where city = :city""
import.Execute( stat )
import.ExecuteWithEvents(c, EventScript)

Using the ::ExecuteWithEvents() method.

dim import as SQL::ImportStatement
dim stat as C
dim EventScript as C
stat = "import with replace into 'c:\test.dbf' select * from customers where city = :city""
import.ExecuteWithEvents(stat, EventScript)

The SQL::ImportStatement object supports UpdateBegin(), UpdateEnd(), and UpdateProgress().



Arguments for the current query.


Call results.

ColumnReferencesReferenceList of SQL::Query::ColumnReference

An array of all column references in the query (including nested occurrences).


Current open connection


An optional definition for the local table (can override size and name, but must be type compatible with the corresponding column data type being imported)


The column number of the last error reported by the parser.


The text of the last parser error reported.

FunctionReferencesReferenceList of SQL::Query::ValueExpression

An array of all function calls. Behaves the same way as the SelectTableReference object.


For Debugging. Returns a string description of the mapping between the ANTLR grammar and the Xbasic objects.


For Debugging. A string description of the underlying parse tree.


A variable that can be assigned a syntax string without parsing it. If no value is passed to the Parse() method, this value is used.


Append or Replace


The table to be imported into.


Mode E. For SQL::Query, this property returns "Query".


The table reference or the select statement that defines the source of the data.


Creates XML from the parse tree or recreates the tree from the XML.


Execute Method

Execute the current statement using the current or passed connection.

ExecuteWithEvents Method

Execute the current statement using the current or passed connection handling events with the script provided.

Format Method

Format the original source (by default, lines are broken at significant keywords)..

OpenConnection Method

Generate a native SQL statement using the selected syntax associated with the current or passed connection.

Parse Method

Parse the SQLStatement passed (or the value previously set into the SQLStatement property).

ReleaseConnection Method

Clear out the connection property.

Reset Method

Reset the query as if it had just been created.

Validate Method

Execute the current statement using the current or passed connection.

See Also