SQL::ImportStatement Object
- Target_Table_NameCharacter
The full path and table name of an Alpha Anywhere .DBF table that will receive the data.
- Table_ArgumentCharacter
An argument that provides a full path and table name of an Alpha Anywhere .DBF table.
- Database_DefinitionCharacter
A series of field names and specifications in the format: FieldName, Type, Length, DecimalPlaces. DBFDEFINITION can override column names and precision, but must map positionally to an appropriate type.
- Database_Argument
An argument that provides a series of field names and specifications in the format: FieldName, Type, Length, DecimalPlaces.
- FieldNameCharacter
The name of the target field.
- TypeCharacter
The type of the field. Refer to Create a New Table for valid field types.
- LengthNumeric
The total number of character positions for the field.
- DecimalPlacesNumeric
For numbers only. The number of character positions after the decimal point.
- Source_Table_NameCharacter
The specification for an external (non-Alpha Anywhere) table that will provide the data.
- Select_StatementCharacter
A SQL SELECT statement that retrieves data from an external (non-Alpha Anywhere) table. The syntax parsed for the SELECT statement (as with other statements) is portable SQL. The connection passed into the execute function determines the syntax executed.
The SQL::ImportStatement object parses and executes an Alpha Anywhere Portable SQL import statements of the general form.
The SQL::ImportStatement object appends or replaces records in an Alpha Anywhere .DBF table. The object may optionally use a reference table to define the target table's structure or it may define the target table's field structure in-line.
Syntax Examples
In these three cases the target table is created to match the requirements of the imported data.
import with replace into 'c:\test.dbf' select * from customers where city = :city" import with replace into 'c:\test.dbf' FROM customers" import with replace into :targettable DBFDEFINITION :dbfDefinition FROM customers
In these two cases the target table is created to the specifications included in the statements.
import with replace into :targettable DBFDEFINITION ' CUSTOMER_ID,C,15,0 COMPANYNAME,C,40,0 CONTACTNAME,C,30,0 ' FROM customers import with replace into 'c:\test.dbf' DBFDEFINITION ' CUSTOMER_ID,C,15,0 COMPANYNAME,C,40,0 CONTACTNAME,C,30,0 ' FROM customers
Example usage
dim c as SQL::connection dim i as SQL::importstatement if c.open("{a5api=access,filename=c:\northwind.mdb,username=admin}") if i.parse(importsyntax) i.Arguments.set("targettable", TargetTableName) i.Arguments.set("dbfdefinition", DBFDefinition) i.Arguments.set("city", "London") EventScript = GetEventScript(TargetTableName) if i.executewithevents(c, EventScript) ? success handling code else ? error handling code end if else ? error handling code end if ? error handling code end if
Using the ::PARSE() method.
dim import as SQL::ImportStatement import.Parse("import with replace into 'c:\test.dbf' select * from customers where city = :city")
Using the ::EXECUTE() method.
dim import as SQL::ImportStatement dim stat as C stat = "import with replace into 'c:\test.dbf' select * from customers where city = :city"" import.Execute( stat ) import.ExecuteWithEvents(c, EventScript)
Using the ::ExecuteWithEvents() method.
dim import as SQL::ImportStatement dim stat as C dim EventScript as C stat = "import with replace into 'c:\test.dbf' select * from customers where city = :city"" import.ExecuteWithEvents(stat, EventScript)
The SQL::ImportStatement object supports UpdateBegin(), UpdateEnd(), and UpdateProgress().
- ArgumentsSQL::Arguments
Arguments for the current query.
- CallResultSQL::CallResult
Call results.
- ColumnReferencesReferenceList of SQL::Query::ColumnReference
An array of all column references in the query (including nested occurrences).
- ConnectionSQL::Connection
Current open connection
- DBFDefinitionCharacter
An optional definition for the local table (can override size and name, but must be type compatible with the corresponding column data type being imported)
- ErrorColumnNumeric
The column number of the last error reported by the parser.
- ErrorTextCharacter
The text of the last parser error reported.
- FunctionReferencesReferenceList of SQL::Query::ValueExpression
An array of all function calls. Behaves the same way as the SelectTableReference object.
- ObjectDefinitionsCharacter
For Debugging. Returns a string description of the mapping between the ANTLR grammar and the Xbasic objects.
- ParseTreeCharacter
For Debugging. A string description of the underlying parse tree.
- SQLStatementCharacter
A variable that can be assigned a syntax string without parsing it. If no value is passed to the Parse() method, this value is used.
- ReplaceOptionSQL::Query::ReplaceOption
Append or Replace
- TableCharacter
The table to be imported into.
- TokenTypeNameCharacter
Mode E. For SQL::Query, this property returns "Query".
- SourceSQL::SelectStatementSQL::Query::TableReference
The table reference or the select statement that defines the source of the data.
- XMLCharacter
Creates XML from the parse tree or recreates the tree from the XML.
- Execute Method
Execute the current statement using the current or passed connection.
- ExecuteWithEvents Method
Execute the current statement using the current or passed connection handling events with the script provided.
- Format Method
Format the original source (by default, lines are broken at significant keywords)..
- OpenConnection Method
Generate a native SQL statement using the selected syntax associated with the current or passed connection.
- Parse Method
Parse the SQLStatement passed (or the value previously set into the SQLStatement property).
- ReleaseConnection Method
Clear out the connection property.
- Reset Method
Reset the query as if it had just been created.
- Validate Method
Execute the current statement using the current or passed connection.
See Also