SQL::ResultSettoExcel Method
result as L = toExcel(DestinationFile as C [, SheetName as C [, IncludeHeadings as L [, RowsToCopy as N [, StartRow as N [, ReferenceColumns as SQL::TableInfo [, UserContext as P]]]]]])
- DestinationFileCharacter
The name of the Excel file.
- SheetNameCharacter
Optional. The name of the sheet that contains the data in the Excel file.
- IncludeHeadingsLogical
Optional. Default value is .t.. Defines whether or not headings should be included in the Excel file. If .f., headings will not be included.
- RowsToCopyNumeric
Optional. Default value is -1. The number of rows to copy to the Excel file.
- StartRowNumeric
Optional. Default value is -1. Defines the first row of data to copy from the ResultSet.
- ReferenceColumnsSQL::TableInfo
Optional. A SQL::TableInfo object that can be used to transform the data in the result set.
- UserContextPointer
Optional. Used to resolve any data transformations.
- resultLogical
Returns .t. if successful. Otherwise .f..
Convert ResultSet to an Excel 2003 format (.xls) or 2007 format (.xlsx) file.
dim cn as SQL::Connection dim rs as SQL::ResultSet dim sql as C = "SELECT * FROM Customers" dim filename as c = "C:\path\to\Northwind_Customers.xls" ' Open connection to Northwind Access database cn.open("::Name::Northwind") cn.execute(sql) if (cn.ResultSet.toExcel(filename) = .f.) then ui_msg_box("An error occured: " + cn.ResultSet.CallResult) end if cn.close()