WorldPayAPI::SoapActions Class


Wrapper class for working with the WorldPay payment processing API.


loadAssemblyAndInit Method
processAccountLookup Method

Performs an account lookup of the customer, data must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, ssnum as c and billaddress as c

processACHCredit Method

Process a standalone ACH Credit, ck_info must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, amount as n, ckname as c, ckaba as c, ckacct as c, cktype as c

processACHSale Method

Process a ACH Sale, ck_info must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, amount as n, ckname as c, ckaba as c, ckacct as c, cktype as c

processACHVerification Method

Process a ACH Verification (verification only), ck_info must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, amount as n, ckname as c, ckaba as c, ckacct as c, cktype as c

processAuthReverse Method

Credit Card Authorization Reverse, data must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, amount as n, orderid as c, historyid as c

processC21Credit Method

Process a Check21 Credit, data must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, amount as n, orderid as c, historyid as c

processC21Sale Method

Process a Check 21 ICL/RCC Sale, ck_info must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, amount as n, ckno as c, ckname as c, ckaba as c, ckacct as c, ckaccttype as c, firstname as c, lastname as c, billstreet as c, housenumber as c, companyname as c, phone as c, email as c, billaddress as p

processC21Void Method

Process a Check21 Void, data must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, amount as n, orderid as c, historyid as c

processCCCredit Method

Process a Standalone Credit Card Credit, cc_data must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, ccname as c, ccnum as n, amount as n, expmon as n, expyear as n

processCCPost Method

Process a Post/Capture of a Previous Credit Card Auth, data must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, amount as n, orderid as c, historyid as c

processCCProfileAdd Method

Store credit card using a stored profile, data must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, ccnum as c, expmon as c, expyear as c, ccname as c

processCKProfileAdd Method

Store ACH using a stored profile, data must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, ckname as c, ckaba as c, ckno as c, ckacct as c

processCredit Method

Issue credit for the CC or ACH Sale (previous transation required), data must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, amount as n, orderid as c, historyid as c

processCreditCardAuth Method

Process a Credit Card Authorization, cc_data must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, ccname as c, ccnum as n, amount as n, expmon as n, expyear as n

processCreditCardSale Method

Process a Credit Card Sale, cc_data must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, ccname as c, ccnum as c, amount as n, expmon as n, expyear as n

processDebitAuth Method

Process PIN-Debit Authorization Transaction, data must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, customerid as c, amount as n, swipedata as c

processDebitPinless Method

Process pinless debit, cc_data must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, ccname as c, ccnum as n, amount as n, expmon as n, expyear as n

processDebitPinlessCredit Method

Process Pinless Debit Credit, data must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, amount as n, orderid as c, historyid as c

processDebitPost Method

Process PIN-Debit Post Transaction, data must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, amount as n, orderid as c, history id as c

processDebitReturn Method

Process PIN-Debit Return Transaction, data must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, customerid as c, amount as n, orderid as c, history id as c

processDebitSale Method

Process PIN-Debit Sale Transaction, data must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, customerid as c, amount as n, swipedata as c

processDebitVoid Method

Process PIN-Debit Void Transaction, data must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, amount as n, orderid as c, history id as c

processExtACHConsumerDisbursement Method

Process a standalone extended ACH consumer disbursement, data must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, amount as n, ckname as c, ckaba as n, ckno as cm ckacct as c, cktype as c, ckaccttypedesc as c

processExtACHCredit Method

Issue credit for the Ext ACH Sale (previous transation required), data must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, amount as n, orderid as c, historyid as c

processExtACHProfileAdd Method

Store ExtACH using a stored profile, data must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, ckname as c, ckaba as c, ckno as c, ckacct as c

processExtACHSale Method

Process an Ext ACH Sale, ck_info must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, amount as n, ckname as c, ckaba as c, ckacct as c, cktype as c

processExtACHVoid Method

Void an Ext ACH Sale (previous transation required), data must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, amount as n, orderid as c, historyid as c

processProfileCredit Method

Issue credit using the stored profile, data must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, amount as n, userprofileid as c, last4digits as c

processProfileDelete Method

Deletes the stored profile account, data must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, userprofileid as c, last4digits as c, ipaddress as c

processProfileRetrieve Method

Retrieves the stored profile account address and billing info, data must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, userprofileid as c, last4digits as c

processProfileSale Method

Issue CC or ACH sale or ExtACH using the stored profile, data must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, amount as n, userprofileid as c, last4digits as c

processProfileUpdate Method

Updates the stored profile (card number, expiration dates, etc.), data must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, userprofileid as c, last4digits as c, accttype as c, profilenobill as n

processRecurAdd Method

Creates a recurring record without an initial transaction, data must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, accttype as c, acctdata1 as c, acctdata2 as c, acctname as c, recurring as c, recur_nextbillingdate as c

processRecurCancel Method

Cancels an active recurring record, data must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, orderid as c, canceltype as n

processRecurUpdate Method

Updates a recurring record, data must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, orderid as c

processSVAddValue Method

Add value to a gift card, data must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, ccnum as c, amount as n, expmon as n, expyear as n

processSVIssue Method

Issue a new gift card, data must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, amount as n, ccnum as c, expmon as n, expyear as n

processSVRefund Method

Refund a gift card transaction, data must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, amount as n, orderid as c, historyid as c

processSVSale Method

Process a Sale on a gift card, data must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, ccnum as c, amount as n, expmon as n, expyear as n

processTransRetrieve Method

Retrieves the transaction result of the last transaction, data must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, merchantordernumber as c, ipaddress as c

processVoid Method

Void an Auth or Sale or ACH(pevious transaction required), data must include acctid as c, subid as c, merchantpin as c, amount as n, orderid as c, historyid as c

SoapActions Method