table.CHANGE_END Function
- commit
Optional. Default = .T. (TRUE) TRUE (.T.) = the proposed field changes in the record buffer are written to the file. FALSE (.F.) = flag value aborts the field changes without changing the record.
- updateUI
End changes to tables current record.
The <TBL>.CHANGE_END() method is used when changes to fields in the record buffer are complete, to save the field values in the current record. It must be preceded by a <TBL>.CHANGE_BEGIN() on the same table pointer. Bad field values (i.e., that violate field rules or the field data type) will be found by Alpha Anywhere at the time the field value is assigned. This will cause a run-time error that you should intercept with an error handling routine. Note : Any run-time error that occurs between a <TBL>.CHANGE_BEGIN and its corresponding <TBL>.CHANGE_END()will stop script execution and leave you in Change mode. To avoid this, use an ON ERROR GOTO statement before the <TBL>.CHANGE_BEGIN to set up an error handler for the Change operation.
Change the value in the COUNTRY field.
'If an error occurs the commit_flag will be set to FALSE (.F.). tbl = table.current() if tbl.mode_get()> 0 then 'Compute the Message Type code code = UI_ATTENTION_SYMBOL ui_msg_box("Warning", "Already in data entry mode.", code) else commit_flag = .T. tbl.change_begin() ON ERROR GOTO error_handler = "USA" tbl.change_end(commit_flag) end if end error_handler: commit_flag = .F. RESUME NEXT
See Also