
as P = Current([N slot])



Optional. Refers to other open tables in the current session. A slot number ranges from 1 to the number of open tables in a session. If your current table is part of a set, Slot 1 is the primary table, Slot 2 is the first child, Slot 3 is the grandchild or the primary table's second child, and so on. All open tables, whether or not they are part of a set, will occupy slots in the session.


The TABLE.CURRENT() method returns an object pointer to an open table in the current session. Use TABLE.CURRENT()without a parameter to return a pointer to the session's primary table. If no table is found in a particular slot, TABLE.CURRENT()creates an invalid object pointer. You can test the validity of an object pointer using the IS_OBJECT() function. You can also get a pointer to an open table using the TABLE.GET() method. For example, if you have opened a set and you want to get a pointer to one of the child tables in the set, (say "Invoice_Items"), you could use this command:

child = table.get("invoice_items")


See TABLE.OPEN() for information on the difference between TABLE.CURRENT()and TABLE.OPEN().


Count the number of open tables.

count = 1
while .T.
    tbl = table.current(count)
    'Check to see if the table pointer, tbl, is valid.
    'If not, then there are no more open tables.
    if .not. is_object(tbl)
      count = count - 1
        exit while
        count = count + 1
    end if
end while
trace.writeln("Open tables = " + ltrimcount-1?)

See Also