table.EXPORT Function
- export.file
Type "C". The path and name of the file being created.
- export.type
Type "N". A code that specifies the type of file being created.
- Code
- Details
Number: 0 Description: Character-Separated ASCII Ext: .ASC
Number: 1 Description: Table ASCII Ext: .TBL
Number: 2 Description: Rich Text Format (RTF) Ext: .RTF
Number: 3 Description: Microsoft Excel, Version 3.0 Ext: .XLS
Number: 4 Description: Microsoft Excel, Version 4.0 Ext: .XLS
Number: 5 Description: Lotus 1-2-3, Version 1.0/1A Ext: .WKS
Number: 6 Description: Lotus 1-2-3, Version 2.0 Ext: .WK1
Number: 7 Description: Lotus 1-2-3, Version 3.0 Ext: .WK3
Number: 8 Description: Lotus Symphony, Version 1.0 Ext: .WRK
Number: 9 Description: Lotus Symphony, Version 2.0 Ext: .WR1
Number: 10 Description: Excel 2003 Ext: .XLS
Number: 11 Description: Excel 2007 Ext: .XLSX
- export.names
Type "C". Specifies whether or not the field names should be exported along with the data.
- TRUE (.T.) = export fieldnames
- FALSE (.F.) = do not export fieldnames.
- export.options
Type "C". The format for a character-separated ASCII file can vary. The default character-separated ASCII file is a comma-delimited file, with character fields in quotation marks, and a carriage return and line feed to separate records. If you want a different format for a character-separated ASCII file, you can adjust the export settings using one or more of the codes in the Options String:
- Option Code
- Function
- Q
Quote character fields
- L
Strip leading blanks from fields
- T
Strip trailing blanks from fields
- S
Suppress trailing separators
- N
Preserve line breaks. Converts line breaks in exported memo fields to "\N". If this option is not specified, then line breaks are converted to spaces.
- export.field_sep
Type "C". The Field Separator String and the Record Separator String parameters are also used with character-separated ASCII files to define how to denote the end of fields and records. These strings can include any characters, including the following special separator characters:
- export.rec_sep
Type "C".
- Carriage return and line feed combination
- Carriage return
- Line feed
- Escape
- Tab
- export.fetch_parent
Type "L". Used only parent tables in sets.
- TRUE (.T.) = When exporting data from a set with one-to-many links, only exports data from the parent table, and one-to-one links off the parent table.
- FALSE (.F.) = Exports a parent record for each matching one-to-many child record.
- export.fields
Type "N". Specifies how many fields are to be exported.
- export.field1 ... export.fieldN
Type "C". The names of the fields to be exported.
Export records in table to specified output file.
The .EXPORT() method is a high-level utility function you use to export the records of a table or set to a file of a different format. Most parameters passed to export through the export function variable correspond directly with the prompts and options appearing on the Export Builder. You perform an Export operation on the table referenced by the object pointer, .
This script exports 4 fields from the Customer table to 'an ASCII table file. The export of field names is optional.
dim tbl as P tbl ="customers") filename = ui_get_file("Destination File", "ASCII(*.ASC)", "customer.asc","N") if filename = "" then end end if response = ui_get_radio("Export Fieldnames To File? ",1,"Yes","No") if response = "Yes" then export_names = .T. else export_names = .F. end if export.file = filename export.type = 1 export.names = export_names export.options = "Q" export.field_sep = "," export.rec_sep = "" export.fields = 5 export.field1 = "cust_id" export.field2 = "salutation" export.field3 = "first_name" export.field4 = "last_name" export.field5 = "home_phone" tbl.export()
See Also