- primary_table
The name of the table that will have records removed from it.
- remove_list
The name of the table containing the matching records to remove from the Primary_Table.
- primary_table_key
The expression used to compute key values in the Primary_Table.
- transaction_table_key
Optional. Default = Use the Primary_Key expression to compute key values. An expression (different from the Primary_Key expression ) to use to calculate the key values in the Remove_List table.
- silent
Optional. .T. = Do not display a confirmation message before proceeding. .F. = Display a confirmation message first.
Removes the records Remove_List from the Primary_table. Records are matched on the Primary_table_key
The TABLE.REMVE_RECS_IN_LIST() method removes all of the records contained in the Remove_List table from the records in the Primary_Table. ( Note : Contrast this function with the <TBL>.SUBTRACT() operation which would create a new table with the Primary_Table records less the Remove_List records.) Alpha Anywhere determines which records from the Primary_Table to remove as follows. For each record in the Remove_List, Alpha Anywhere computes a key value, using the Transaction_Table_Key expression. If a corresponding key value (computed using the Primary_Key expression) is found, the record is removed.
See Also