table.ENTER_END Function
- Commit_FlagLogical
Default = .T.. If .T., the values in the record buffer are written to the table. If .F., the new record is not created.
- Update_UILogical
Default = .F.. If .T., sends a notification that the table has changed. Any existing Forms or Browses will receive this notification and update their interface if they reference the table.
Completes the creation of a new table record.
The <TBL>.ENTER_END()completes the creation of a new table record, saving the contents of the current record buffer. The <TBL>.ENTER_END() method must follow a corresponding <TBL>.ENTER_BEGIN()using the same pointer (<TBL>).
Bad field values (i.e., that violate field rules or the field data type) will be found by Alpha Anywhere at the time the field value is assigned. This will cause a run-time error that you should intercept with an error handling routine.
Enter a new record, assigning a default value to the COUNTRY field. If an error occurs the Commit_Flag will be set to FALSE (.F.). and the new record will be aborted.
dim tbl as P tbl = table.current() if (tbl.mode_get()> 0) then ui_msg_box("Warning", "Already in data entry mode.", UI_ATTENTION_SYMBOL) else commit_flag = .T. tbl.enter_begin() ON ERROR GOTO error_handler = "South Africa" tbl.enter_end(commit_flag) end if end error_handler: commit_flag = .F. resume next
See Also