CreateUser Method
Context.Security.CreateUser as L (UserName as C, Password as C, IsApproved as L = .T.)
Context.Security.CreateUser as L (UserName as C, Password as C, Email as C, IsApproved as L = .T.)
Context.Security.CreateUser as L (UserName as C, Password as C, Email as C, PasswordQuestion as C, PasswordAnswer as C, IsApproved as L = .T.)
- UserNameCharacter
The name of the new user.
- PasswordCharacter
The password for the new user.
- EmailCharacter
The email address of the new user.
- PasswordQuestionCharacter
The question to be used for password reset.
- PasswordAnswerCharacter
The answer to the PasswordQuestion to be used for password reset.
- IsApprovedLogical
Set the user to being approved for login or not approved for login. If this value is set to .F. the user will not be able to login even if the credentials are valid. Optional. Defaults to .T.
- resultLogical
Returns .T. if user is created; otherwise .F.
Adds a new user with a password.
Context.Security.CreateUser() adds a new user with a password. There are method overloads for creating a user with an email address and a password question and answer. Check Context.Security.CallResult.Success before using the return value.