AddUserToRole Method
Adds a user to the supplied role.
AddUserToRoles Method
Adds a user to the supplied roles
AdministrativeCreateUser Method
Adds a new user with a password.
AdministrativeResetPassword Method
Reset the user's password to a generated password.
ChangeEmail Method
Changes the email address for the user.
ChangePassword Method
Changes the password for the user.
ChangePasswordQuestionAndAnswer Method
Changes the security question and security answer for the user.
CreateRole Method
Adds a role.
CreateUser Method
Adds a new user with a password.
DeleteRole Method
Removes a role.
DeleteUser Method
Delete the specified user
GeneratePassword Method
Generate a password based on the rules defined in the security settings
GetEmail Method
Gets the email address of the specified user.
GetLastPasswordChangedDate Method
Gets the date/time for when a user's password was last set.
GetPasswordQuestion Method
Gets the password question of the specified user
GetRoles Method
Gets a list of all the roles defined in the application's security settings
GetRoleUsers Method
Gets a list of the users which are members of a role.
GetUser Method
Gets the user name for a given ProviderKey.
GetUserProviderKey Method
Gets the provider defined key for a user.
GetUserRoles Method
Gets a list of the roles to which the user belongs.
GetUsers Method
Gets a list of all the users.
GetUsersPaged Method
Gets a partial list of users one page at a time.
IsCurrentUserInRole Method
Checks to see if the current user is in a role.
IsCurrentUserInRoles Method
Checks to see if the current user is in at least one of supplied roles.
IsUserInRole Method
Checks to see if the user is in a role.
IsUserInRoles Method
Checks to see if the user is in at least one of supplied roles.
LockOutUser Method
Locks out the specified user.
Login Method
Logs in a user to a specific page and sets the authentication cookie's lifetime.
Logout Method
Logs out the current user.
PasswordHasExpired Method
Gets whether or not the password of the specified user has expired.
RemoveUserFromRole Method
Removes a user from a role.
RemoveUserFromRoles Method
Removes a user from one or more roles.
ResetPassword Method
Reset the user's password to a generated password.
RoleExists Method
Checks if a role exists.
SetExpirePasswordImmediate Method
Sets or clears a user's password as expired or not.
TestPassword Method
Checks the validity of a password against the validation configuration in security settings.
TestUsername Method
Checks the validity of a user name against the validation configuration in the security settings.
UnlockUser Method
Allows a user to login to the application.
UserExists Method
Checks if the user exists.
UserIsLockedOut Method
Checks if the user is locked out from logging into the application.
ValidateUser Method
Validates the supplied credentials.