- zipfilenameCharacter
The name of the zip file. It is necessary to explicitly specify the .ZIP extension.
- filesCharacter
A pattern that selects files from the zip file. Wildcards are allowed.
- pathCharacter
The target directory for the unzipped files.
- unzip_flagsCharacter
Additional flags to control how the zip file is decompressed. Available flags are listed below:
- Flag
- Meaning
- "P"
Creates the same subfolder structure under Destination_Folder that the original files had.
- Result_FlagLogical
Returns .T. if the operation is successful. Otherwise .F..
Extract files from a zip file.
The FILE.UNZIP() method extracts the files that match the mask from Zip_Filename, and places the files in the Output_Directory. If the files are successfully extracted, Result_Flag will be .T..
Extract files from to c:\temp.
FILE.unzip("c:\", "*.*", "c:\temp")
Extract .dbf files from to c:\temp.
FILE.unzip("c:\", "*.dbf", "c:\temp")
Extracting files with path information
If the zip file was created with path information stored in the zip file, then the mask must include the path that is stored in the zip file. For example, using the FILE.ZIPLIST() method, you can see the internal name for all files in the zip file.
? FILE.ziplist("c:\", "n" + crlf()) data/backup/Mesurements.Dbf data/backup/Mesurements.Cdx data/backup/Mesurements.Ddd data/backup/Mesurements.Ddm data/backup/Mesurements.Ddx
In the above example, the zip file contains path information. Therefore, to unzip a file ( measurements.dbf, for example) from this file you would use the command:
FILE.unzip("c:\", "data\backup\measurements.dbf", "c:\temp")
Or, to unzip all of the files in this zip file:
FILE.unzip("c:\", "data\backup\*.*", "c:\temp")
On the other hand, consider a zip file that was created without path information:
? FILE.ziplist("c:\","n" + crlf()) Mesurements.Dbf Mesurements.Cdx Mesurements.Ddd Mesurements.Ddm Mesurements.Ddx
In this case, the mask will not include path information. For example:
FILE.unzip("c:\", "measurements.dbf", "c:\temp")
Or, to unzip all of the files in this zip file:
FILE.unzip("c:\", "*.*", "c:\temp")
See Also