Thread Methods
Methods available for the thread object.
- ClearClientSecurityContext Method
Clear a previously stored client security context.
- ClearCurrentWebPageApplicationRootPath Method
Clear a previously stored web page application root path.
- ClientSecurityContextIsValid Method
Returns true if the client security context as been set.
- create Method
Create a new thread, name can be blank (in which case a name is assigned), if optional variable frame is defined - it becomes the base variable frame, if optional exact-name parameter is set, the name will be munged if a thread of that name already exists.
- current Method
The currently running thread.
- DisableXBasicExceptionDumpFiles Method
Disable Mini-Dump creation when an exception is caught executing Xbasic code.
- EnableXBasicExceptionDumpFiles Method
Enable Mini-Dump creation when an exception is caught executing Xbasic code.
- enum Method
Enumerate threads.
- event Method
Send an event to the thread.
- exist Method
Return true if a thread of the given name exist.
- get Method
Find a thread based on the name.
- get_priority Method
Gets a threads priority
- GetClientSecurityContext Method
Retrieve the client security context.
- GetCPUUsageInMilliseconds Method
Returns the total CPU usage (kernel and user times) for the thread in milliseconds with fractional values to the right of the decimal point.
- GetCurrentWebPageApplicationRootPath Method
Retrieve the previously stored web page application root path.
- interrupt Method
Send an interrupt event to another thread (thread needs an interrupt function).
- IsCooperative Method
Returns if the thread state is cooperative.
- last_step_time Method
When debugging a thread, report the time taken for the last step.
- LogThreadTransitions Method
Enable/Disable logging for thread transitions.
- name Method
Get a threads name.
- persist_session Method
Disables cleanup of session resources when thread exits (for temporary worker threads).
- Profiler_Begin Method
Start profiling for the thread.
- Profiler_Dump Method
Format profiling data collected for the thread and write the results.
- Profiler_End Method
Stop profiling for the thread and write the results.
- Profiler_Format Method
Format profiling data collected for the thread and return as a string.
- Profiler_Pause Method
Pause profiling for the thread.
- Profiler_Reset Method
Clear collected profiling information for the thread.
- Profiler_Resume Method
Continue profiling for the thread after pausing.
- RecordEvent Method
Write an event marker for the thread (used in tracing). This is an advanced function for use in diagnosing issues.
- RequestTermination Method
Requests that a thread executing a script terminate execution.
- set_priority Method
Set a threads priority
- SetClientSecurityContext Method
Store a client security context.
- SetCurrentWebPageApplicationRootPath Method
Store the current web page application root path for the thread.
- TraceThreadTransitions Method
Enable/Disable tracing for thread transitions.
- ui_disabled Method
Returns .T. if current thread has UI disabled.
- variables Method
Get a threads base variable frame.
- wait Method
Thread must wait until another thread does a '<thread>.event'.
- XBasic_Trace_Begin Method
Trace Xbasic execution (if source is available).
- XBasic_Trace_End Method
Stop tracing Xbasic code execution.
- XBasic_Trace_Pause Method
Pause Xbasic execution tracing for the thread.
- XBasic_Trace_Resume Method
Continue tracing for the thread after pausing.
See Also