A5.ListBoxColumn Object
Definition of a column in a layout in the list.
- showboolean
Whether or not to show the column in the layout.
- headerobject
Settings for the column header.
- htmlstring
The HTML for the column header.
- classNamestring
The class name to put on the column header.
- hoverClassNamestring
The class name to put on the column header when the user mouse over it.
- stylestring
The CSS to put on the column header.
- onClickfunction()
Event fired when a column header in the list is clicked.
- onDblClickfunction()
Event fired when an item in the list is double clicked.
- onRightClickfunction()
Event fired when an item in the list is context clicked.
- dataobject
Settings for the column in each row of the list.
- templatestring
The template for a column in the row. See A5.u.template.
- classNamestring
The class name to put on the column in each row.
- stylestring
The CSS to put on the column in each row.
- separatorobject
Settings for the column separator.
- locationstring
The location for the column separator. The values can be "none" (the default), "left" or "right".
- widthstring
The width of the separator. The default is "1px".
- stylestring
The CSS to use on the separator.
- classNamestring
The class name to apply to the separator.
- orderstring
The name of the column in the list data to order on. By default the order on the column will change from "none" to "ascending" to "descending" and back to "none". Adding ":reverse" after the column name will reverse the order to "none" to "descending" to "ascending" and back to "none".
- onBeforeOrderfunction(column,columnObject)
Event fired before the column is sorted when the user clicks on the column header.
- columnnumber
The column to order on.
- columnObjectobject
The object that defines the column to order on (the object that contains this event).
- onOrderfunction(column,columnObject)
Event fired when the column is sort by the user clicking on the column header.
- columnnumber
The column that was ordered on.
- columnObjectobject
The object that defines the column that was ordered on (the object that contains this event).
- widthstring
The size of a column in CSS units. Columns can be made flexible so that the total width of all columns equals the width of the list. A flex value is specified by using the text "flex(" followed by a number and a ")". For example: "flex(2)" - which would make a column twice the width of a column with "flex(1)". The default value is "flex(1)".
- resizeboolean
Whether or not the column is resizable by the user. The default value is false.