A5.PanelNavigatorPanel Object
Definition of a panel in the panel navigator.
- srcA5.PanelCardA5.PanelNavigatorA5.PanelLayout
The panel class.
- namestring
The name of the panel. Used to access the panel in the navigator, such as when calling the A5.PanelNavigator.setActivePanel method.
- titlestring
The title (display friendly HTML) of the panel.
- showboolean
Whether or not to show the panel in the navigator. The default value is true.
- closeboolean
Whether or not to show a close button if the panel navigator type is "tabband". The default value is false.
- indicatorobject
Overrides for the default indicator class names.
- classNamestring
The class name to put on the dot in indicator element.
- selectedClassNamestring
The class name to put on the dot in indicator element when the panel is active.
- controlsobject
Navigation control bindings.
- prevobject
A previous panel button.
- hasboolean
Whether or not the panel has a previous panel button. The default value is false.
- idstring
The ID of the button element (which must already be in the DOM). The default is "{panel.id}.CTRL.PREV".
- settingsobject
The button settings.
- nextobject
A next panel button.
- hasboolean
Whether or not the panel has a next panel button. The default value is false.
- idstring
The ID of the button element (which must already be in the DOM). The default is "{panel.id}.CTRL.NEXT".
- settingsobject
The button settings.