
A5u Namespace


The namespace for utility methods and properties.

A5.u.array Namespace

The namespace for utility methods for array manipulation.

A5.u.color Namespace

The namespace for utility methods for parsing and manipulation of colors.

A5.u.css Namespace

The namespace for utility methods and properties for CSS.

A5.u.element Namespace

The namespace for utility methods for element manipulation.

A5.u.html Namespace

The namespace for utility methods for manipulation of HTML strings.

A5.u.icon Namespace

The namespace for utility methods for icon creation and updating.

A5.u.json Namespace

The namespace for utility methods for manipulation of objects or arrays before or after being converted to JSON.

A5.u.math Namespace

The namespace for utility methods for mathematical operations.

A5.u.object Namespace

The namespace for utility methods for object manipulation.

A5.u.svg Namespace

The namespace for utility methods for manipulation and creation of SVG strings.

A5.u.template Namespace

The namespace for template methods and properties.


compare Method

Compare two variables to see if they contain the same values.

convertUnits Method

Convert a CSS size from one unit to another. Unit types that can be converted between are "px", "in", "pt", "pc", "cm" and "mm".

getUniqueId Method

Returns a unique ID. Used if you are creating an HTML element on the fly and need an ID that will be unique.

resolve Method

Resolve a value.