Client Side Template
{*partial partialName}
Adds partial sections of data into the template.
Partial templates are named sub-templates and are only really usefull if you using your own expander and is therefore somewhat difficult to demonstrate in the Template Tester. A template can reference these partial templates using the {*partial partialName} command. This is useful if a template has text that is repeated. For example, consider the following Javascript code:
//define the data var _d = {firstname: 'Fred', lastname: 'Smith'} //define the template var arr = []; arr.push('Welcome<br>'); arr.push('Hello {firstname} {lastname}<br>'); arr.push('{*partial partial1}'); var _t = arr.join('\n'); //define the settings object (template and partials) var settings = { template: _t, partials: { partial1: 'from partial1: {firstname} {lastname}<br>' } } //merge the data into the template var html = A5.u.template.expand(_d,settings);
This will produce the following output:
Hello Fred Smith
from partial1: Fred Smith
Hello Fred Smith
from partial1: Fred Smith